Pizza Party (Mikey x Reader)

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Y/N: Your name
Y/C/N: Your crush's name
Y/F/N: Your friends name
A sigh of contentment left your lips as you ate the last bite of your pizza. You glanced around at your classmates, who were all enjoying the work free day. The teacher had dubbed today "Pizza Party Friday". Of course you just thought he was tired of teaching. "Hey Y/N!" Your friend greeted as they bounced up to you. "Hey." You parroted with a smile. "So any plans after school?" They asked, giggling. "Yeah actually, Mom wants to do some summer cleaning." You lied smoothly. You had plans to go play the new Mortal Kombat game with your favorite freckled turtle. "Oh well I was gonna invite you to my house... I'm throwing a pool party and Y/C/N will be there!" They sing songed, giving you a wink. You rolled your eyes, Y/C/N? They were old news. Lately you've been feeling something for the pizza loving dork. "Sorry I'm busy." You laughed. They gave you a skeptical look. "Alright. Spill it. Who is it?" They demanded. Your cheeks turned pink. "What do you mean?" You asked, nervously picking at your sleeves. "Oh no you don't! Don't give me that! Who holds your affections?!" They squealed. "No one." You chuckled. "I'll find out! I always find out, Y/N!" They yelled as the bell rang. You laughed loudly and ran out the door, your things in hand. The hallways were crowded and loud as you packed your bag. After you finished, you ran into Y/C/N, literally. Their books fell everywhere as just your bag fell. The grumbled as the picked up their things, and you being the nice person you are helped them. He took his books out of your hands. "Thanks, Hey... Y/N, right?" They asked, giving you a flirty smile. "Yeah." You replied, grabbing your bag. "You're coming to (Y/F/N)'s party tonight, right?" They questioned. "Sorry I've got plans." You said, trying to get past them. "What kind of plans?" They persisted. Why were you into them again? "Summer cleaning. Now move it." You huffed, growing annoyed. "Where's the fun in that?" They grinned, making you roll your eyes. An irritated sigh passed your lips. Luckily their friend called them over, freeing you. "What I ever saw in them, I'll never know." You said, exasperated, as you walked out the door. Then you made your way to the lair. Once you got there, you walked in with a smile on your face. "DUDETTE! YOU MADE IT!" Mikey exclaimed, scooping you up in one of his hugs. "Well of course!" You laughed as he sat you down. "Ready to get your butt kicked?" He smirked, making you weak in the knees. "You wish." You said confidently. Both of you went into the living room, and set it up. You guys played, well more like you getting thrashed by Mikey, but you did manage to win a handful of times Causing you to break out into your happy dance. Soon you become bored of losing, so you watched him play. "How was school?" He asked. "Nothing out of the ordinary." You said, munching on some skittles. "Oh, well in 4th block we had a pizza party." You added with a shrug. "Pizza Party? What's that?" He asked, pausing the game. You looked at him, getting lost in his baby blues. "Oh! Um its where teachers buy pizza for a class and um they don't learn anything. The students just talk and eat pizza." You explained, with a light blush. "Oh well, that's nothing. We do that all the time." Mikey smiled, unpausing the game. You laughed, "Yes I guess we do." Just then your phone buzzed. You ignored it as it buzzed repeatedly. Mikey glanced down at the phone and back up at you. "Its my friend, they want me to go to a party, so she can set me up with someone." You explained, turning the device on silent. Mikey frowned and slightly glared at the phone. "But I wanna spend time with my favorite guy!" You giggled, making him blush slightly. He didn't want to admit it, but he had a major crush on you and he was happy you wanted to spend time with him, instead of going to that party. "Um Y/N? Do you think that we could have a pizza party... With just us?" Mikey asked nervously. Your face turned red when you caught on to what he was asking. "Sure Mikey, I'd love that." You grinned, placing a peck to his cheek. In turn making him turn red and making you laugh.
Okay now I have done all the turtles! Yay! I apologize for any errors I made (*˘︶˘*)

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