Memories (Splinter x Naga!Reader)

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More Splinter love for the wonderful Animelover-Girl18!
Utsukushī hana: beautiful flower
Watashi no hana: my flower
Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu: I love you

Splinter handed you the cup of tea before joining you on the floor. The boys had went out on patrol, giving you and him a bit of alone time. The two of you decided to spend that time looking at all the photo albums. Which was more than you would have thought. At the moment, you two were on your album. It consisted of pictures of you and him. "This one? Why do you want to look at this one?" You laughed, giving him a sweet peck. "I love looking at my Utsukushī hana." He smiled, pulling you closer to him. You grimaced as you saw some unflattering pictures of you. "Do you remember how we met?" He asked, placing a paw on your scaled tail. "How could I forget?" You countered, remembering.
You were hanging from the ceiling by your arms in some weirdo's lab. Your tail end was barely able to feel the cool concrete floor. They had found you hiding out in the Amazon , and proceeded to bring you back to New York City, much to your dismay. You had saw them bring in four, large human like turtles. All of them were unconscious at the time, but know you could hear one of them screaming threats now. A sigh of annoyance passed your lips as you tried to grab the keys with your tail. You were sick of being poked and prodded like some animal, so you were gonna bust out. Sadly, the keys were placed just out of your reach on a table. You glared at them, but then your attention was turned to the door. It sounded like a fight going on, and if it was it didn't last long. The metal door swung open, slamming against the wall. You jumped before glancing at your savior. It was a tall, human like rat. Who looked ready to kick anyone's butt. He then glanced up to you, not looking shocked at all by your appearance but intrigued. "Can you please help me?" You asked, wiggling around in distress. He snapped out of it and helped you down. "Thank you." You said with a smile. He nodded and turned to leave. "Um, if your looking for those turtles I think I know where they are." You said, slithering up to him. He turned to you. "They are probably being held in the west wing, that's where they hold us." You explained. "Will you show me?" He added. You nodded taking his hand. "I'm (Y/N) by the way." You smirked as you two quickly made your way to the holding cells. "Splinter." He said after a minute. You two shared a smile before hurrying to save the turtles.
~~End of flashback~~
"That was a heck of a meeting." You smiled fondly. He chuckled an nodded, kissing your nose. A light blush fell over your cheeks. You rested your head on his shoulder and then laid your tail on his lap. " Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu." You smiled, kissing his neck. "I love you too, Watashi no hana." He said softly. "Do you remember how we got together?" You asked. He blushed but laughed. "How could I forget?" He parroted.
April had made you dress your best, insisting that she was going to take a family photo. Instead she shoved you into the dojo and locked you in. You were about to say something, you noticed you weren't alone. Splinter was there, with an annoyed expression, sitting at a table set for two. You blushed furiously as you realized what was going on. He smiled nervously at you. "They got you too?" He asked. You nodded, not really sure what to do. "Would you like to sit down?" He added. "Sure." You squeaked, slowly slithering over to the nicely decorated table. He pulled out your chair and pushed it up when you sat down. "Thank you." You said, relaxing a bit. He smiled and sat back down in his chair. "You look beautiful." He complimented, making your blush return. It kind of made you nervous to be alone with him, you had developed strong feelings for the man that saved you, but recently they've blossomed into something more, you were head over heels in love with him. "Thank you, you look really handsome tonight." You smiled, taking in his attire. He was wearing his "special" robe, that he only wore on the special occasions. Then it was his turn to blush. "Well, thank you." He said. The two of you dined in silence. After you were done, an awkward silence plagued the air. You two sat under the tree, waiting to get out. That's when he took your hand. A heavy blush blanketed your face and you gave him a look of surprise. "(Y/N), I have something of importance to tell you." He started. You slowly nodded, urging him to continue. "Lately I can't seem to get you off my mind, I can't even meditate without thinking of you. When I am around you, I am my happiest. I think I might love you, (Y/N)." He admitted, gazing at you with his beautiful red eyes. "I might just love you too." You spilled, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear. He beamed at you. "Would you object to going steady with me?" He asked. "No I wouldn't." You whispered. He smiled and leaned in. You grinned and met him halfway. He placed a chaste kiss to your lips. You smiled into it. This was gonna be the start of something beautiful.
~~End of flashback~~
"Second best day ever." You smiled, looking up at your lover. "Second?" He asked. "Yeah my first is when you did this." You said, gesturing to your engagement ring. "Ah, yes that is my favorite too." He said, bringing your hand up and kissing it. "I can't wait to make even more memories with you." You said sweetly. "I can not wait either, my flower." He agreed with a small smile.

Okay! I don't know if this is what you wanted, but here you are sweetheart! I apologize for any errors I made (*˘︶˘*)

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