Turtlesitting (Raph x Reader)

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Y/N= Your name
Y/E/C= Your Eye Color
It had been a VERY stressful day at school, and to be honest you were glad it was over. A sigh of relief left your lips as you entered the lair. You hoped the dojo was empty so you could blow off steam in peace, but that hope was shattered as a glass breaking cry rang throughout the room. "What even?" You groaned as Mikey came in, holding a fussy little turtle out like it was a bomb. It's red mask was way to big for the little one, and his green eyes were blurred out by tears. A look of relief washed over the freckled turtle's face when he saw you. "Dudette! I am so glad to see you... can you hold this while I go... do something else...?" He asked, thrusting the baby into your arms. "Whoa! Hey no! Did you guys inherit a new brother or something?" You asked, looking down at the screaming infant. That's when it hit you, this was Raphael. Before Mikey could even answer, you looked at him dumbfounded. "Mikey, this isn't Raph is it?" You asked. He nodded and replied, "Yeah, sorry Y/N... I am sure Donnie didn't mean to turn your boyfriend into this crying mess." You blushed and opened your mouth to defend yourself. Before you could he ran off, leaving you with Raph. You looked down at the child, who was now screaming his head off. You sighed and sat down on the couch. "Hey, now none of that mister." You huffed as you took off the over sized mask. You wiped the falling tears away with his mask and placed a kiss to his forehead. He whimpered and sniffled as you began bouncing him on your knee. "There we go, see no need for all that." You whispered softly, smiling down at him. Finally he completely stopped crying, and you laid down before shifted him on top of you. He gurgled happily as you scratched his shell gently. His emerald eyes looked back into your Y/E/C ones. He gave you a crooked smile and a light giggle. You smiled softly as he rubbed his head against you. Then you heard his tummy rumble. "Is someone hungry?" you giggled. He giggled along with you as you carried him into the kitchen. "What the heck do baby turtles even eat?" You mumbled as you searched the fridge. "You could just feed him milk." Someone said, making you jump. You looked over and saw Donnie looking at you, amused. You sighed and got the milk out. "What happened?" You asked as he handed you a bottle. "Mikey." He said simply, making you laugh. You put a pot of water on the stove, placing the bottle of milk inside. "It should wear off by tomorrow though. You can go home if you want, Leo and I can handle him." He added. You did need to get home, with a sigh you handed Raph to his brother, or at least tried to. Raph's tiny hands clung to your shirt as Donnie tried to get him. Soon he began screaming again, making you and the purple clad turtle flinch. You began bouncing him on your hip and shushing him. "Looks like I'm staying." You sighed as the infant calmed down. Donnie just laughed and looked at the clingy Raph. "Of course you are... might want to call your parents though." He grinned before walking away. You gazed down at the now happy turtle in your arms. You grinned and fixed the bottle for him. You then cradled him and held the bottle to his face. His green eyes lit up and he made happy noises. He wrapped his small stubby fingers around the bottle to the best of his ability. You silently 'awed' and rubbed his fingers with yours. When he got his fill, you took the bottle and put it in the sink before burping him, to the best of your ability. He let out a tiny burp before you took him to his room. You laid down on his bed with him curled up next to you. He yawned and looked up at you with his cute, sleep filled green eyes.He gripped your finger before closing his eyes. You couldn't help but blush and giggle when you thought about the older Raph doing this. You honestly couldn't believe you were doing this, dealing with kids was not your strong suit, but it came so naturally with Raph. You would be lying if you said you didn't have any feelings for Raph. Raph got you, he listened to you vent and trained with you in the dojo. When you were having a bad day, you'd call him and just talk. It was weird, because never before have you seen him act that way with anyone else. You smiled and stoked his head as he slept,snoring softly. "Goodnight Raph." You whispered. "Hopefully Don will have this fixed by morning." You thought as you closed your eyes and soon fell into a peaceful sleep.
Apologies for any errors, have a turtletastic day my lovely readers ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ

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