Daddy's Princess (Shredder x toddler!Reader)

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For the amazing Animelover-Girl18!


One of your father's soldiers ushered you to the secret room. Apparently those bad turtles had found your daddy's home and were attacking. They didn't know about you and Shredder wanted to keep it that way, so he had one of his minions hide you away in a secret room he had built for you for this kind of situation. Karai, your sister, was helping with the pest infestation. Just as you were about to enter your safe room, a turtle in an orange mask blocked your path. A whimper passed your lips as the Foot Soldier set you down. You quickly ducked behind a nearby table. Fear filled your tiny form. What if they took you away? Would you ever see your daddy again? All you heard were grunts and noises of pain. You could only hope your escort was winning. Sadly it was the other way around. The turtle had easily took down your protector. "Booyakasha!" He yelled victorious, making you cower away in fright. He didn't seem to notice you as he ran down the hallway. You needed to get into that room, but you were frozen. Just as you crawled out of your hiding spot, the same orange clad turtle was in front of you. A squeak bubbled up from your lips. "Easy dudette, I got you." He murmured, scooping your tiny form up into his arms. You struggled against him. "Daddy!!!" You screamed as he carried you through your home. He stopped in the main room, where he met up with the others. "Where'd she come from?" The green eyed one asked. You continued to fight against your capture, but he had covered your mouth so you couldn't scream. "Don't know, I found her in the hallway with a Foot Soldier." He explained. "Well we had better get her out of here." The blue clad one stated. "PUT HER DOWN!" You heard your sister cry. Your teary eyes looked over at her and you struggled harder. Your father entered behind her, with a look of worry and anger on his face. Once he saw you were in the arms of his enemy, he lost it. He charged at the intruders as the turtle-man set you down. You retreated to underneath the couch, shaking with fear as you heard your family fight against them. Metal against metal, it made you whimper and curl up in a ball. You heard your father yell at them in Japanese. Cursing and threatening them, as him and your sister kicked their butts. You knew from seeing them hit the floor over and over again. "Leo! We are getting our shells kicked out there!" One yelled. "Where is the girl?!" Another yelled. There was more yelling before you heard the door slam. "Princess?!" Shredder called, scanning the room for you. "Daddy!!!" You yelped, scrambling out from under the couch. He visibly relaxed when he saw you, as did Karai. "Are you alright, Ōjo?" (Princess) He whispered as he picked you up. You nodded and sniffled as your sister stroked your hair. "They will never lay a hand on you again, Imōto." (Little sister) Karai murmured. "Karai, gather yours and her things, we need to go as soon as possible." Your dad ordered. She nodded and left. He stroked your hair in attempt to calm you. "Hush little one, I've got you." He mumbled, rocking you. "What have I told you about crying?" He asked. "Crying is for the weak." You mumbled, trying to stop crying. He nodded and kissed your forehead. "You are not weak, so no crying. I love you, my princess." He said, holding you close. "I love you too, Dada." You said, snuggling against him. The remaining minions helped pack up the rest of the belongings. "No one will ever hurt you, (Y/N)." He sighed, not wanting to set you down. "Dada..." You mumbled, still shaken up from what just happened. You watched as Tigerclaw approached your father. "I know little one. I have to go take care of something, you'll be a good girl for Karai won't you?" He asked. You nodded and held your arms out. She happily took you from him as they talked business. The both of you sat in silence in the van. "I love you, sissy." You mumbled sinking deeper into her arms. "I love you too." She sighed, playing with your hair. Shredder came back with an angered look. It softened when he looked down at you. "Come on, princess, we have to go." He said picking you up. You looked up at him, feeling safe. You knew you would always have your daddy to protect you.


3.23K reads?! Holy Shell! Thank you all! That means so much to me!! I apologize for any errors I made!

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