Movie Night (Raph x Naga!Reader x Leo)

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I suck at titles. Anyways this is for the super amazing Animelover-Girl18 :D
And if you don't know what a Naga is, it's kinda like a mermaid, but instead of being half fish they are half snake!
(Y/N): Your name
(Y/S/C): Your scale color
(Y/F/C): Your favorite color
You slithered around the sewers, enjoying your solitude. The last few weeks the lair had been kinda weird. It seemed that you were constantly being swarmed by Raphael and/or Leonardo, attempting to gain your attention. You were glad to finally have time for yourself. A sigh of contentment left your lips as you basked in the sunlight that wandered in through the sewer drain above you. It felt so good against your (Y/S/C) scales. You couldn't wait for April to get you that sweater. It was freezing, granted it was winter, still it was to cold for you and your (Y/F/C) crop top did nothing to help the situation. You shivered as you continued to bask in the warm light. A smile found its way to your face. You could have spent all day right in that spot, but some jerk had to kick snow down onto your head. You squealed as the icy flakes hit your warm skin. "Humans are so so annoying!" You growled softly, hearing them laugh above you. You angrily went back to the warm and safe lair. The door closed behind you after it was shut, you made your way to the kitchen. "Hello doll face, where have you been?" A familiar voice asked. You turned and saw that it was Raph, smirking as usual. He was leaning against the refrigerator. "Just wandering around the sewers." You answered. He nodded and added, "April brought by your sweater by the why." "She did? Where is it?!" You asked, no longer interested in food. "I laid it on your bed." He replied, chuckling as you slithered as fast as you could to your room. Sure enough, there was a long and cozy looking (Y/F/C) sweater laying on your door. You shut your door with your tail and swiftly slung the crop top off, before replacing it with the sweater. "Oh bless you April O'Neil!" You beamed, snuggling into it. "Now... For hot coco!" You giggled, happily making your way back to the kitchen. Your beautiful glistening tail slid across the floor as you got the instant coco mix. You were kinda glad they were leaving you alone today. As much as you loved them, they could be a bit overwhelming. At first you adored their attention, but it was getting old. As you opened the box, a slip of paper fell out. You grabbed it and looked at the writing. It read: Meet us in the dojo. This was different from their usual antics, which interested you. It brought a smile to your face. You decided to go see what they had planned. Quiet as a mouse, you peeked inside the dojo. Your eyes lit up, inside there was a projector set up in the darkened room. A huge pallet of blankets and pillows in front of it. Huge movie style buckets of popcorn with a pile of your favorite candies sat beside that. You entered with a slacked jaw, amazing at what you saw. That's when you saw a huge stack of DVDs consisting of all your favorite Halloween movies. "Like it?" Two voices asked. You turned to the source of them, smiling when you saw your two admirers. "Is this all for me?" You asked. They both nodded and the red clad brother added a winked. "Why?" You asked, tilting your head. The brothers shared a look then turned back to you. "We know we have been annoying you these past couple weeks, so we wanted to make it up to you." Leo explained. "Oh no! You got it all wrong, you haven't been annoying me. I just got tired of both of you trying to compete for my attention. All the flirting and attention was amazing." You amended, feeling bad. "You liked it?" Raphael asked. "Very much so." You said with a light blush. They smirked at each other. "Well how about we start?" Leo suggested. You nodded happily, taking your spot on the blankets. They looked at you with an adoring smile on both of their faces. Both of the brothers sat on each side of you. You blushed as they kissed your cheeks. A comfortable silent fell over the trio as Raph started the movie.

~~~Extended Ending~~~

Splinter walked into the dark dojo, opening the door. He smiled when he saw the three all cuddled up together on the floor. Some movie menu music playing softly. His hotheaded son snoring lightly, snuggling up to (Y/N). A smile on his katana wielding son's face as he cuddled up to her other side. He closed the door and chuckled to himself.

I'm sorry if this wasn't what you wanted! I tried my best! I apologize for any errors I made also!

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