Bah Humbug (Turtles x Reader)

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Christmas in July, anyone? Hehe!
(Y/2/F/T): Your second favorite turtle.
(Y/F/T): your favorite turtle

The snowy streets were filled with carollers and shiny lights. It was Christmas Eve, and you couldn't stand it. The holidays were never a good time for you, it just meant more fighting and greedy kids in your family. You planned on ignoring the holiday season all together, well until April conned you into going to the Christmas party that the guys were throwing tonight. So here you were, walking to the lair in the freezing cold, with an arm full of presents. After reaching the manhole, you carefully descended into the tunnels underneath the city. Luckily, it was tad bit warmer down there. You blew into your hands, attempting to warm your numbing fingers. "Stupid holiday.", You grumbled as you entered your friend's home. The place was looked like Saint Nicolas himself threw up everywhere. Every inch of the place was covered in Christmas decorations, ranging from mistletoe to gingerbread houses. It almost made you sick to your stomach. You placed everyone's gifts with the other neatly wrapped boxes. "(Y/N)! You made it!", Mikey yelled as he scooped you up. You squealed and laughed as he twirled you around. "Hiya Mike.", You giggled, feeling a bit dizzy as he set you back on your feet. "Sorry I'm late.", You said taking off your thick coat. "Eh, no biggie.", He shrugged. That's when you saw the elf hat on top of his head. "Nice hat.", You added, hanging up your jacket. "April got one for everyone, want one?", He asked. You quickly shook your head. He nodded before walking off. "Hey, (Y/N).", Leo said as you walked over to the punch bowl. "Did-", You started before he cut you off. "No, April made sure Casey didn't spike it.", He chuckled before sipping on his own glass. You nodded and fixed yourself some. "Merry Christmas." He said with a smile. You put on your best fake smile and replied, "Merry Christmas." Just because you didn't like the season didn't mean you wanted to ruin everyone else's fun. Plus who could resist Leo's adorable smile? You and him chatted for a moment, before he was tugged away by April. Feeling awkward just standing there, you decided to go find one of the others. "Mikey!" You heard a familiar voice yell, making you turn your head. Running out of the kitchen was the freckled prankster, his green eyed brother hot on his heels. You couldn't help but laugh as Raphael ran around with the elf hat on his head. Well, until Mikey leapt over you, making you duck and yelp. The red clad turtle was to busy focused on his brother to notice you, so he crashed into you. "Oof!", You groaned as you hit the floor. "Oh... um hi (Y/N).", He chuckled, quickly getting off you. "That's one heck of a way to say "hey", Raph.", You grinned as you got up. He blushed lightly and glared at his younger sibling. His brother just chuckled before walking off. The hothead grumbled under his breath. "Go. Kick his butt, for me.", You smirked. He returned the gesture before stalking after his brother. You heard Mikey scream, making you laugh. "Those two...", Donnie sighed, walking up to you. "Merry Christmas, (Y/N).", He grinned, showing off his gap. "Merry Christmas, Don.", You smiled softly. "Present time!", Mikey squealed as he ran towards the two of you. Everyone gathered in front of the tree, were the presents had been moved to. Eventually it was (Y/2/F/T)'s turn. You stood in the doorway nearby with (Y/F/T). That's when April started giggling. You gave her a weird look, as did (Y/F/T). She didn't say a word, instead she pointed up. The two of you followed her gaze. After realizing that you both were under the mistletoe, you turned 50 shades of red. Casey whistled and winked at (Y/F/T), making him blush as well. You turned to your crush and closed your eyes, expecting just a peck on the cheek. Instead he turned your face, and gave you a full on kiss on the mouth. You let out a yelp of surprise, but happily obliged. The others cheered as you separated. You looked at him and bit your lip. Maybe Christmas wasn't so bad after all...


Woah, 740 words? Go me! Anyways, a lot of you want a part 2 to Finally... So imma do it! But should you live, or should it be about Leo going on with out the love of his life, (Y/N)?! Let me know now in the comments, please! Love you guys! Have a turtletastic day my lovely readers!

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