Tigger (Tigerclaw x cat mutant!Reader)

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This is for the lovely Animelover-Girl18 I hope you like it!
Careful not to make a sound, you snuck out of the sewers. The guys would kill you If they knew where you were going, and more importantly who you were gonna meet. You were going to meet Tigerclaw in the junkyard. The two of you had been doing this for a few weeks. Neither of you knew why, you mostly talked and sparred sometimes. You were supposed to be enemies, why were you hanging out? Maybe it was because you were simular, being cats and all. You were a beautiful (Y/F/C) Persian cat mutant and he was a strong assassin Bengal tiger mutant. After the second week, you started looking at the killer a different way. Yes, he worked for Shredder and had tried to kill your friends, but under all that was sarcastic and protective guy. You reached the junkyard just as he did. Both of you met at your usual spot by the cars. "Hello, (Y/N)." He greeted. "Hello, Tigger." You smiled. He rolled his eye at the nickname. Then you guys talked about each other's day. You were happy to have someone to vent to about the guys, although you used your wording carefully since he was trying to kill them and all. "Why do you meet me?" He asked abruptly. You stopped and looked at him. "What?" You asked. "Why do you meet me? I could kill you at any moment." He explained. "I don't know why I showed up the first time. But I do it now because I actually like hanging out with you." You admitted. He gave you a surprised look. "Do you not want to do this anymore?" You asked, playing with your tail. "I... I like "hanging out" with you too." He answered, not looking at you. "Good! Now I have a question. What does Shredder think you do when you meet me?" You smiled. He sighed, "Well I don't really know, he probably thinks I'm hunting the turtles." "Ah." You answered. A comfortable silence settled over you. Tigerclaw looked like he was torn, and contemplating something. "Everything okay, Tigger?" You asked with concern. "Hmm? Oh I'm fine." He lied, smiling. "You're lying." You said, crossing your arms. "Am not!" He said getting defensive. Your ears flattened against your head as you glared at him. Next thing you knew, his lips were on yours. A surprised squeak passed your lips. As he pulled you closer, you melted into it and started to kiss him back. You silently awed as you heard him purr. The kiss ended to soon for your liking. "I have to go." He said, looking at the settling moon. "Same time next week?" You asked softly, still in a daze. "Definitely, Goodbye (Y/N)." He said before disappearing into the night. A goofy smile found its way to your face as you gently touched your lips. He had kissed you and you kissed him. You glanced at the sky and decided you had better head back as well. The whole way back, you were smiling like an idiot. You walked into the lair quietly, but stopped dead in your tracks when you saw the guys looking at you. "Did you enjoy your date with Tigger?" Mikey laughed. Raph and Donnie roared with laughter, making your jaw go slack. Leo gave you a disapproving look and crossed his arms. "You followed me?!" You yelled. "Yeah, we wanted to see what you were up to Kitty Cat." Mikey answered. "You need to stop seeing him." Leo said. "And why's that?" You asked. "He works for Shredder!" He huffed. "Yet you are with his daughter." You said and walked away. A triumphant smirk planted itself on your lips when you heard the "Ooh!"s and the laughter of the others. "T-That's different!" He yelled as you strutted back into your room.
I'm sorry it's short or if this isn't what you wanted. I also apologize for any errors I made! :3

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