Our Kitty 2 (Raph x Neko Reader x Mikey)

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The love triangle relationship was now going on for a month and things couldn't be better for you. The whole lair smelled of bacon. You were cooking breakfast while swaying your hips and tail to the beat of your favorite song. "Mmm, good morning Kitten." Raphael said in his morning voice. You smiled as he wrapped his arms around you. "Good morning, Baby." You said softly, leaning into him. Hearing someone walk in, you turned only to see your freckled boyfriend. "Good morning, angel cakes." He greeted in his morning voice. "Morning, Sweetie." You said, flipping the bacon. A peaceful silence fell over the kitchen, but it didn't last long. "Raph! You're hogging her again." Mikey whined, sitting on the counter. Both you and your hotheaded boyfriend chuckled. Then you wiggled away from him and embraced your orange clad boyfriend. He grinned as you stood on the tips of your toes to kiss him. You planted a sweet peck to his lips. "Better?" You smiled, pulling away. "No, do it again." He smiled. You laughed and kissed him again. "Where's mine?" Raphael asked. You rolled your eyes as he kissed your neck. "Right here, Raphie." You giggled, turning around. He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. His kisses were a bit more rough from Mikey's, but you loved them, all the same. "Shell!" You yelped, smelling the burning bacon. You squirmed away and ran over to the stove. As you tried to savage the delicious strips of meat, you mentally kicked yourself. Your (Y/H/C) tail puffed out in annoyance and the matching cat ears flattened against your hair. "Awe Kitty! Its okay, why don't we make muffins instead?" Mikey suggested, seeing your distraught expression. "Okay. Raphie, will you get the stuff out?" You asked, tossing the un-salvageable food. He wandered over to the fridge and pantry. Your orange clad turtle got out a huge bowl and the muffin pan. You gave him a thankful kiss on the cheek, before helping your other lover with the ingredients. "Thanks, babe." He smiled. After everything was set up, they turned to leave. "Whoa! Whoa! Where do you think you two are going?" You said, putting your hands on your hips. They shared a look before looking back at you. They opened their mouths to speak but you held up a finger. "Oh no! You are gonna help me since its you guys' fault for ruining the bacon!" You ordered. "Yes Mama." Mikey pouted. Raph just sighed. You beamed at them. "Good! Now Raphie! You will spray the pan with Pam!" You giggled, swaying your tail happily. "And Mike! You will help me with make them!" You added, tilting your head. They smiled at their cute girlfriend before doing what she asked. Mikey said he could handle the dry ingredients and you could do the wet. The mix was almost done, all that was left was the flour. The mischievous turtle looked down at the bag then looked back up at his unsuspecting girlfriend. You squeaked as you got a faceful of flour. Him and Raph laughed as you blinked in confusion. Then they got a face full of muffin mix. A giggling fit bubbled from your throat as the mixture dripped down your boyfriends' faces. "Oh it's on, princess!" He smirked. Your giggles stopped at you looked wide-eyed at the brothers. "N-Now let's be rational." You said, backing up. They smirked and shared a look. You then snatched up the bowl and splashed it all over them, hoping that would distract them so you could escape. Unfortunately for you, that did the complete opposite, it only encouraged them. They ran up, careful not to fall, and hugged you before you could even turn around. You squealed as the muffin mixture met your skin. "Ewe!" You giggled. They laughed along with you. You smirked and licked some off of Mikey's neck, making him freeze. You did the same thing to Raph, earning the same affect. "Well now if you'll excuse me. I need a shower." You said, walking away. You could feel the two pairs of eyes watching you. When you got to the door you called, "Feel free to join me!" You smiled when you heard them trailing behind you.

---extended ending---
Leo walked into the kitchen to grab a snack but stopped when he saw the condition of it. "Nope." He said, turning on his heels, not even bothering with it. Donnie passed him, his nose stuck in a book. He laughed as he heard a crash and Donnie yell, "WHAT THE SHELL?! THIS HAD BETTER BE MUFFINS!"
Okay here's part two! I hope this isn't two bad. Anyways I'm sorry for any errors I made!

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