A Hamato Thanksgiving (all turtles)

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(Y/F/T): your favorite turtle
(Y/N): your name

"I'm gonna be late." You growled, throwing on your favorite sweater over your tank top. You were spending Thanksgiving with the guys and Splinter since your family was out of town. You were responsible for bringing your famous buttermilk pies. You baked quite a few, knowing the boys appetite. After gathering your things and the pies, you made your way to the lair. Once you got there, you couldn't help but laugh. It was completely chaotic. April and Splinter were setting the table, Casey and Raphael were watching football, and the rest of the guys were yelling at each other in the kitchen. "(Y/N)! You made it!" April gushed, taking the pies from you and set them on the desert table she had set up. "What can I do?" You asked, following the busy red head. "Um, go see if the guys are done." She answered. You nodded and went to the bustling kitchen. The poor counters were destroyed, and flour was everywhere. "April wants to know if your done!" You yelled above them, gaining the trio's attention. "You made it!" Mikey grinned, attempting to give you a hug. "Oh no no freckles. I didn't get all dressed up for you to run flour on me!" You giggled. The youngest turtle pouted. "Yeah were done... We just need to clean ourselves up." Leo answered. You nodded and turned on your heels. "They just have to shower." You stated. "Great, um... Ask everyone what they want to drink?" She asked you. "Sure." You smiled. After that was done, you helped tidy up the kitchen. As you finished up, the guys all came out of their rooms without a speck of flour on them. "Casey! Raph!" April yelled as they continued to watch the television. Her and Splinter dragged them to the table, where Leo and Donnie were setting food out. You caught Mikey trying to sneak one of your pies off the dessert table, earning him a slap on the wrist and a glare. Soon everyone was seated and ready to eat, but the youngest brother had yet to put the turkey on the table. "Michelangelo! What is taking so long?!" You yelled as your stomach growled. Just as the words left your mouth, he came out... with a pizza. "Pizza?" Casey asked, staring at it. "A turkey pizza!" The blue eyed turtle beamed. It was true, the savory pie was topped with loads of cheese and Turkey. You should have seen this coming, and with a giggle, you grabbed a slice and come of the sides. Everyone joined in your laughter as they fixed their plates. (Y/F/T) was sitting in the chair beside yours. The two of you talked and laughed as you ate. Splinter cleared his throat and tapped his spoon against his glass, silencing everyone. "I would like to thank you all for spending this holiday with me and my family, and I hope we can do this again next year. I am thankful for each one of you for entering my life. Now let us feast and enjoy each other's company. Watashitachi ga aishite mimashou to, yori ōku no toshi no tame ni ikimasu!" (Let us love and live for many more years) He said, raising his glass. (Y/F/T) smiled at you as he did. You blushed slightly and returned the gesture. Everyone then followed his lead and toasted each other before taking a drink. You ate and ate until you were completely stuffed. When the dinner was over and all the dessert had been devoured, the eight of you then piled in the living room to watch the rest of the game. You were to full to really care, so you opted to lay on your crush's shoulder. He grinned and laid his head on top of yours. "Happy Thanksgiving, (Y/N/N)." He whispered as the others cheered. "Happy Thanksgiving." You sighed, snuggling deeper into his side. Just as you dozed off, you felt him kiss your head. This was definitely your new favorite holiday.


Hello my lovely readers... I'm so sorry, but I have 8 requests I have to do, so I will not be taking any new ones until I finish these up. Plus I will not be starting the requests until after the holiday weekend, nor will I update. Have a happy holiday and a turtletastic day my readers!

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