Homecoming (Leonardo x Reader)

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Y/N= your name
Y/C/N= your crush's name
Y/H/C= your hair color
Y/F/C= your favorite color
Walking with a skip in your step toward the lair entrance, You glanced down at your phone. You see, you had just gotten asked by homecoming dance by Y/C/N. You were so happy, you were certain that they would ask their ex. You walked into the lair and was instantly greeted by the bubbly, orange clad turtle. "Hey, Y/N! Whoa, you seem overly happy, what happened?" He asked with a grin. A blush rushed to your face. "Is it that obvious?" You sighed. "Most definitely." He laughed. "Well, I kinda got asked to Homecoming..." You said sheepishly. "Dude that's awesome!" Mikey exclaimed, scooping you up in a hug. You yipped and laughed as he twirled you around. "What's with all this?" Someone laughed. After you were set down, you looked over and saw a sweaty Leo. "Y/N here just got asked to homecoming!" Mikey blurted out, beaming. Leo frowned and looked at me, before smiling. "Who's the lucky person?" He asked. " Um, Y/C/N." You said shyly. In a perfect world you would have liked for him to ask you. You liked Leo, but he was oblivious. You had hinted multiple times about your feelings to him, but he just dismissed them. "Well, I hope you have fun." Leo said, before running off. "What's up with him?" You asked. "Don't know." He answered with a shrug. "Anyways! wanna go play some Xbox?" He added. "No thanks. I need to go get ready for the dance." You smiled. "I just wanted to stop and say hi." You added. He nodded and said, "Have fun!" You nodded and walked out and into the sewers.

--Time Skip brought to you by a very lazy author--

After hours and hours of prepping and primping, you were now waiting on Y/C/N. Your beautiful Y/F/C gown looked stunning, almost as beautiful as you looked in it. You looked absolutely stunning. Y/H/C locks were styled in your favorite way. You checked the clock again, they were 45 minutes late.You sighed and teared up. You had been stood up, without a text, a call, nothing. A single tear rolled down your cheek as you kicked off your heels. You may not have wanted to be romantically involved with him, but it still stung that he left you hanging. You flipped on your television and turned on some Space Heroes. You then walked to your room, silent tears falling from your face. You changed into some more comfy clothes before wandering back to the couch. Not even a minute after you sat down, someone knocked on your window. You huffed, just wanting to be left alone. You laid down on the couch as you heard the window open. "You home?" A familiar voice asked. You looked up and saw Leo looking at you sadly. "I got stood up." You stated, sitting up as he sat down. "I'm so sorry." He said softly, rubbing my back. You leaned into his side as you said, "It's not your fault." "Yeah..." He answered nervously. You looked up at him with a puzzled expression. He avoided your gaze as you sat straight up. "Leo. What did you do?" You questioned. He opened his mouth but closed it before looking at your tear stained cheeks. "Have you been crying?" He asked, his voice full of guilt. "What. Did. You. Do." You growled, avoiding the question. He looked down at the carpet before answering, " I called Y/C/N... and told them not to come. I am so sorry, Y/N." "Why? Why would you do that? Do you enjoy making me miserable?" You yelled, standing up. "No, but I couldn't let him-" He tried to explain but you cut him off. "I cannot believe you! I waited for you to make a move! And now you ruin my one night I wanted to go out and have fun. Who do you think you are?" You screamed. "I DIDN'T WANT HIM TO GO OUT WITH YOU BECAUSE I WANT TO BE THE ONE TO! I DID IT BECAUSE I JUST HAPPEN TO BE IN LOVE WITH YOU OKAY?" He yelled back at you. Silence filled the room and Leo and you blushed hard as you both realized what he said. "Y-You love me?" You whispered. He nodded, looking anywhere but at you. You slowly walked to him and pressed your lips to his. His eyes widened as you kissed him, but soon he relaxed and began kissing you back. The kiss was incredible, it was stern, yet passionate. The way your lips molded with each other, it was like something out of a fairy tale. It was perfect, but sadly you needed air. You pulled away and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. "That was nice..." Leo said, clearing his throat. "Yeah it was." You replied softly. "Does this mean..." He trailed off. "Yeah, I love you too Leo." You whispered. He smiled softly at you before glancing at the T.V. "Is that Space Heroes?!" He yelped happily, jumping back on to the couch. You grinned and laughed at his adorableness. You walked over and joined him on your sofa. You smiled as he took you in his arms for the rest night.
I'm sorry for any errors! Have a turtletastic day my lovely readers ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ

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