Bad days (all turtles)

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(Y/N): Your name
(Y/F/N): Your friends name
(Y/F/C): Your favorite color
(Y/F/A): Your favorite animal
(Y/F/T): Your favorite turtle
........................................... Today was just not your day, at all. Nothing had went your way all week, but today was just icing on the cake. Your step dad seemed like he had made it his mission to ruin your entire week. You hadn't even been able to visit the guys. You walked into the apartment, not saying a word as you placed your bag on the hook. You traded it for your wallet and keys. "Where do you think you're going, young lady?" Your step dad said, seeing you get your things. "Out." You answered with a sigh. Couldn't he just leave you alone. "Oh no you don't! You have chores and homework to do." He replied, crossing his arms. "It's the weekend." You groaned. "I don't care and don't back talk me!" He glared, raising his voice. "Oh let her go! She's had a hard week!" Your mom said, peeking in. "Thanks mom! (Y/F/N) wants me to spend the night, is that okay?" You asked. "No." He said at the same time your mom said, "Yes." You wanted to giggle, but just went to your room to grab a pair of pajamas. After that, you left with a small smile. You and the guys had planned this sleepover for over a month now, and there was no way you were gonna miss it. You walked the crowded streets of New York. Once you found an empty alley way, you went down into the sewers. Finally, You made it to the lair. "There you are dudette! We were worried you were gonna be a no show!" Mikey said, giving you a hug. "No way! We've been planning this for ages!" You laughed as he twirled you around. "Oh! (Y/N) is here?" Someone squealed. As he put you done, you felt someone else scoop you into another hug. You turned and saw that it was April. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in ages!" She asked. Both of you separated as you said, "At home, my step dad wouldn't let me go anywhere." She nodded in understandment. "Let's get this party started!" Mikey exclaimed, leading you and April to the couch where the others were waiting. "I'm going to go change." You grinned, holding your overnight bag. Everyone nodded in acknowledgement. You put on your favorite pajama pants that was (Y/F/C) with lots of (Y/F/A) on them, and a plain black T-shirt. After you changed, you walked back into the main room. Everyone was waiting on you so they could start the movie. "Ready?" Leo asked, holding the remote. You sat in between April and (Y/F/T). "Most definitely." You smiled, feeling the stress melt away. (Y/F/T) put his arm around you, making you blush slightly. April giggled and winked at you, knowing your crush on him. The opening scene played, and for the first time that week you genuinely smiled. Whenever you were with them, they could always brighten your day.
Sorry I haven't updated this, I've just not had any inspiration until now, my step dad has been an butthole lately so there's my inspiration. Anyways I'm sorry it's so short and for any errors I made (๑・v・๑)

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