Heroes in the night (Leonardo x vigilante reader)

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For ArtsyAlly101 I hope you like it :).

(Y/V/N): Your Vigilante Name

Dressed in your hero persona, you prowled the streets, looking for anything out of the ordinary. You see you were, as the newspaper called you, (Y/V/N). You stopped Purple Dragons and Foot Soldiers alike, but tonight neither of them seemed to be out and about. You were quickly growing bored. Just as you were about to call it a night, you saw a group of the Foot trying to break in to an electronic store. They were accompanied by Hun. That was new to you, you only kicked his trash when he was with his lowlife gang. "Interesting..." You thought to yourself as you picked up a nearby pipe. Using weapons of opportunity was really your thing, well besides using your badass ninja moves. After you had successfully hid behind a nearby dumpster, you tossed the pipe down the alley. A smirk planted itself on your lips as the dummies walked to the source of the noise. Hun stood by the backdoor of the store, waiting for their return. That's when you struck, catching them all by suprise. Using that to your advantage, you got as many as them down before they knew what was happening. As you knocked out the third guy, the remaining ones began to fight back.

--Leo's POV--

I watched from the rooftop with my brothers as the girl kicked some serious shell. Her moves were fluid and graceful. She had real talent. Not to mention she was absolutely stunning. Her eyes were filled with passion and fire. It was mesmerizing. "Dibs." Mikey whispered with a smirk. I almost glared at him, but caught myself. This was a girl I wanted by MY side.

--back to you--

After tying up the limp bodies, you reached for your disposable cell to call the cops. You froze as you heard someone clear their throat. Internally panicking, you looked around for something to smack them with. "Don't even think about it. I just want to talk." The voice said. Slowly you looked up, a small gasp escaped from your mouth as you spotted it. A huge turtle... A mutant turtle was looking dead at you with its big blue eyes. You didn't dare scream, afraid of making it mad. "What do you want?" You asked. "You took all them out with your bare hands." He stated. You nodded. "Do you know who you beat up?" He asked. For a turtle he sure was talkative. "Hun. He's in with the gang Purple Dragons, and those idiots are apart of the Foot. What does it matter?" You said, crossing your arms. "HAS SHE SAID YES YET?!" Someone yelled from the rooftops. Both of your heads turned at the noise. "Yes to what?" You asked still looking at the dark roof. "Well... I was wondering if you may um want to team up...?" He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. Why was he so shy now? A few seconds ago he was confident. "Sure why not?" You grinned, noticing his gear. Who wouldn't want to team up with a ninja mutant turtle? "Oh... sorry for- wait you want to?" He said surprised. You gave him a nod and smile. He returned the gesture. His smile gave you a few butterflies in your stomach, he was fairly attractive. "This could be fun." You think with a grin.

Sorry for the delay sweeties! I hope you all like it... I'm not very good at action scenes ;-;. Have a turtletastic day my lovely readers!

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