Making it better (turtles x mom!reader)

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Tears brimmed your eyes as you made the commute home. Your boss had fired you. At first you were furious, but now you were just sad. How where you going to break this to your family? What would happen to them? You parked your car and began walking toward a nearby man-hole. After descending into the sewers, you sluggishly walked home. On your walk, you made yourself look presentable. As you walked in, you heard Leo and Raph yelling and screaming at each other. A sigh escaped your lips before you grabbed the wine out of the fridge. The room went silent as you poured yourself a glass. You could practically feel their stares as you took a sip. "Rough day?", Raph asked. Not knowing what to say, you just nodded. The wine must've gave you away, you never drank unless it was a special occasion or needed to relax. "Where's your father?", You asked finally looking up at the pair. They both just pointed to the dojo, looking at you cautiously. You swallowed the alcohol and walked off. A slight smile tugged at your lips as you saw your husband meditating. Not saying a word, you walked over to him and kissed his nose. His red eyes fluttered open and smiled at you. "Hello my love. How was your day?", He asked. You sat next to him and leaned on his shoulder. "(Y/N)?", He persisted. "I got fired today.", You said glumly. "What?", He asked, wondering if he heard you right. You were one of the top workers in your field, why would anyone fire you? "John told me it was because he was over-hired and needed to clean house.", You sniffled as more tears filled your eyes. You felt his arms wrap around you. "Hush my flower, everything will be alright.", He cooed as he rubbed your back. That's when you lost it. You sobbed as he held you. How would you and your family survive without you working? He continued to calm you as you cried. Why you? Why couldn't this have happened to someone else? "What are we gonna do?", You asked after you composed yourself. "We will find a way.", Splinter said before kissing you. You happily returned it and snuggled into his side. "Mom?", Your youngest asked as he peeked his head in. You quickly wiped away the remaining tears and looked at him. "Yes, baby?", You asked, clearing your throat. "What's for dinner?", He asked sheepishly. "Are you guys hungry?", You asked as you got up. He nodded with a happy grin. You then walked into the kitchen. After you got out the things you needed, you stirred up some spaghetti. Just as you were gonna make their plates, your four sons approached you. Each one of them holding jars full of coins. "You know, don't you?", You questioned. "Yes... And we don't want you upset, mother, so we searched the house and found these." Leonardo said, looking at the glass jar. You were overwhelmed with happiness. You really did have the best sons ever. "It's only about $25, but every little bit helps!", Donnie said with a smile. Salty tears of joy brimmed your eyes. "My babies...", You grinned. They all smiled and set the jars on the counter. The four of them gave you a hug and you kissed each one of their foreheads. "I love you all.", You whispered. They then released you. "We love you too.", They answered. You looked back at the coin filled containers, making your smile widen. Then you turned your attention back to your four sons. No matter what happened, you knew that they would always make it better.


Good Lord... Where have I been? Anyways here is this! The older version of They Make It Better (turtle tots x mother!reader) that I wrote.

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