These Days (child!Tigerclaw x mommy!Reader)

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For the sweet Animelover-Girl18... Sorry for the delay :3
The setting sun shined through the budding trees as you searched around the woods. The blossoming leaves shook as the breeze passed them. It was a perfect spring evening, and you and your baby had decided on playing hide and seek. Your little boy was the hider and you the seeker, and he was hiding really well. Just as you were about to give up, you heard a faint giggle. A smirk graced your lips as you turned to the source of the noise. You saw his head peek out from behind a bush. He gasped and hid. Then it was your turn to giggle. "Hmm, I wonder where my little kitten is?" You asked yourself as you continued to search. When you knew he wasn't looking, you snuck around the bush. There he was, peeking out to see where you were. You let out an evil laugh as you scooped the tiny mutant into your arms. He let out a shriek and squirmed in your arms. "I got you!" You laughed, kissing his furry cheeks. He let out a laugh and nuzzled into your neck. "I love you, mommy!" He said, hugging you as you held him. "And I love you." You said, carrying him into the cottage. "Mommy, I'm sleepy." He whined. "Well how about you nap while I cook us up something?" You compromised. He nodded and yawned. You tucked him in with his favorite stuffed animal. Then you shut his curtains and placed a peck to his forehead. "Goodnight my darling." You whispered before leaving. A sigh escaped from your lips as you debated on what to make. You decided on ramen, knowing how he liked them. After you finished, you made yourself a bowl and began to eat. Half way through, you saw the tiny tiger wander into the kitchen. "Mommy, I'm hungry." He stated as he rubbed his eyes. You smiled softly and made him a small bowl. He scarfed it down. Then when the both of you were full, he helped you with the dishes. "Mommy, will you read to me?" He asked as he dried his paws. "Of course, go pick out a book." You smiled, settling down on the couch. He beamed and ran into his room. When he returned, he had his favorite story in his hands. "This one!" He stated, sitting beside you. You chuckled and took the book from him. He snuggled up to you and looked at the book with excitement. You opened it and began to read. About half way through, you heard light snoring. When you looked down, you saw your son peacefully asleep. You silently awed and looked at him lovingly. "Goodnight." You whispered, turning off the lamp. This had truly been the perfect day.
Sorry if this isn't what you wanted, and it's so short... My apologies this isn't my best work ;-;

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