Can I have this dance? (Mikey x shy Reader)

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For the sweet TMNT-Girl18 hope you like it :).

(Y/S/N): Your special nickname. (Or something you want him to call you (:.)
The bustling halls of your school seemed even louder today. Tonight was the night of the Girls Ask dance, and of course your shyness prevented you from asking anyone. Practically everyone was going with someone, even that creepy girl that picked her nose had a date. You were gonna go with your friends, until you realized they had dates. You were left all alone, so you made plans with your XBOX 360. At first you had debated on hanging out with the turtles, but you saw them yesterday and you didn't want to seem clingy. As you closed your locker, you sighed. Tonight was also your parents date night, so you would be alone all night. Great, just great. Then you started your walk home with your two best friends. The entire time, they chatted about the dance and their dresses. Your heart sunk as they continued their cheerful banter. Why in the world did you have to be so darn shy?! With a shakey breath, you went inside. "Today has been a wreck." You whispered to yourself as you tossed your backpack on the bed. After you changed into some comfy clothes, you started up your console. You then put in your favorite game and started playing. Just as it started up, your phone dinged. "Of course." You growled, picking up the device. It was probably your friends sending you pictures of themselves all dressed up. Surprisingly it was Mikey. It read: "Hey Dudette :3." A small smile graced your lips, you had a huge crush on him. Even though the only thing you two had in common was your mutual love of video games. You didn't even like pizza (He fainted when he found that out...). It amazed you that he even talked to you. He was funny and outgoing. You were shy and always had your nose in a book. He seemed so interested in you and loved spending time with you, you couldn't understand it. You quickly replied with: "Hi (: ." The phone was then set back on the bed and went back to playing. The smile returned when your phone went off again, but it swiftly turned into a frown as you read his text:
Mikey: Hey isn't tonight that dance you were excited about? Are you having fun? :D

It's true, you were so so excited for this dance. It was supposed to be the best dance of the year. But you didn't want to show up alone, so you were forced into not going.
You: Didn't go.
Him: Why not? Did no one ask you???
You: I didn't ask anyone...
Him: ?
You: It was a girl ask dance, but I couldn't bring myself to ask anyone.
After you didn't get a reply, you then placed your phone on the opposite side of the bed and sighed heavily.
Why was everyone obsessed with this dance? It was just a dance, the school had like five dances every year. What made this one so special? You decided to turn off the gaming system and read instead. Your phone didn't go off again until you reached the end of your book. Of course it was Mikey. His message said: "Hey! Wanna come to the lair, I'm not busy :D." "Well I've got nothing better to do..." You murmured to yourself as you wrote your response. You decided to go as is, you really didn't want to get all dressed up again.

--lovely time skip brought to you by your darling author--

You opened the lair door and your jaw hit the floor. There were (Y/F/C) and orange balloons everywhere and a banister that said: "(Y/S/N)'s Dance!". April then approached you and giggled. Your face was a red mess, you couldn't believe Mikey had done all this for you. "Now... What size do you wear...?" April asked with a smirk.

--another time skip sponsored by Princess, my cat--

After she was done with you, she ordered you to go back in the main room. You were wearing a dress similar to the one you were gonna where to the dance, your makeup was flawless, and your hair was done perfectly. You looked like a million bucks. Apparently April had finished early, because Donnie and Leo were still fiddling with Mikey's tie as you walked in. "Donnie, this can't be the way this works.." Leo sighed. "Well that's what it said on Google!" The copper eyed turtle huffed. "Dudes hurry!" Mikey pouted, earning him the glares of his older siblings. They kept fiddling with it until they just gave up. He ditched the poorly tied tie and waited nervously for you. That's when you decided to make yourself known. You felt yourself blush as you walked up to him. "Hey! (Y/S/N)!" He beamed at you. "Hi." You said softly with a small smile. "Do you like it?" He asked, his face nervous once more. You nodded and tucked an imaginary lock of your hair behind your ear. Just then your favorite song began to play. "So m'lady, can I have this dance?" He said in a horrible French accent, making you giggle as you nodded. He took you in his arms and you swore your heart stopped. As the song progressed he spun and twirled you. He even picked you up once or twice. You were pretty sure you were blushing and giggling when he did. Soon, a slow song came on. Your heart raced as he pulled you into his plastron. You could faintly hear his pounding in his chest as you laid your head on it. The two of you swayed to the beat and held each other close. He raised your face to look at him. His baby blues were shining with uncertainty and nervousness, but he slowly leaned in. You froze as his lips met yours. Almost instantly you melted into the kiss. He was so gentle and sweet and his kisses were no different. "How was that?" He asked when he pulled away. You fell silent as the both of you continued to dance. After a moment, you smiled and whispered, "It was absolutely perfect."

Wow, that took longer than expected... So sorry for the wait. I also apologize for any errors I made. I hope you all like it, and have a turtletastic day my lovely readers (:

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