They make it better (Mom!Reader x Turtle Tots)

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There is Splinter x Reader in here by the way :)
.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-It had been a long day at the office, and you were ready to get home to your boys. Your boss had been on your case all day for a reason unbeknownst to you. You were so close to quitting it wasn't even close, but you needed to provide for your babies. Those four beautiful boys and your husband kept you going. Finally it was time to clock out. "(Y/L/N)! My office! Now!" Your boss yelled as you were about to leave. You gained some sympathetic looks from your co-workers as you walked into his office. "Yes?" You asked nervously. That's when he gave you a very long speech about how the company had to cut off weak links. "You are firing me?! But sir, I work my ass off for this company! Why am I being let go?!" You asked, completely shocked. "Sorry (Y/N). It's nothing personal." He said, not a bit of care in his voice. "You can clean out your desk tomorrow." He added as you walked out with tears in your eyes. What were you gonna do now? How where you supposed to tell your family about this? All these thoughts and more swarmed around in your head. The whole walk home, your nerves were on edge. Soon you were home, where you were greeted by your energetic sons. "Mommy! Mommy!" They greeted, hugging your legs. A smile found its way to your face as you bent down to hug them. Each one of them took turns kissing your cheek. "I missed you lots mommy!" Your youngest son smiled. "Oh I missed you too, now where's Daddy?" You asked. "In his room." Little Leo smiled. "Okay, I need to go talk to him. I'll be right back." You said. They nodded and ran back to their toys. You walked into your bedroom, smiling when you saw your husband. "Hello my love, how was work?" He asked as you shut the door. "I got fired." You whispered as you collapsed on the bed. "What?" He asked with a frown. "They fired me. Oh my God, what are we gonna do?" You said, tearing up. "Relax, my dear, we will be fine." He said, pulling you close. "No we won't! We have to eat and the boys are gonna want things for their birthday next week." You sobbed. Splinter rubbed your arm and kissed your forehead. "We will be fine, and I am sure that the boys will understand." He assured. "Why are you crying Mommy?" A voice asked. The both of you turned to see Donatello staring at you sadly. "It's nothing baby, are you guys hungry?" You sniffled, wiping away tears. He nodded and tilted his head. "Come on my little genius." You said, scooping him up in your arms. He giggled and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. "What do you want for dinner?" You asked your sons. "Pizza!" They laughed. "Mommy I drew something for you!" Raph said holding up a picture of you and him, holding hands in a park. "It's beautiful, baby. I love it." You said, putting Donnie down. He gave you the art work and you kissed his face. The small green eyed turtle beamed as you hung his work on the refrigerator. You put a frozen pizza in the oven and joined your boys on the couch. As you did, your little genius walked up to you with his piggy bank. "What's this?" You asked as he handed it to you. "So you don't cry, Mommy. I don't like it when you cry." He answered simply. Your jaw went slack and you teared up again. You really did have the best kids in the world. You scooped him back up and covered his face in kisses. Mikey then got up and ran to his room. He came back with his piggy bank. "I want kissies too!" He whined. You laughed as he climbed into your lap and got his kisses. "I drew you a picture!" Raphael pouted since he didn't have any money. You opened your arms wider. Your other two sons jumped into your arms. They all giggled as you fell back onto the couch. "We love you mommy!" They said in unison. "I love you too." You laughed. As long as you had your family, everything would be okay.
Sorry for any errors I made!

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