Cheese (Splinter x Mutant!Rat!Reader)

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This is for the lovely Animelover-Girl18!
(Y/F/S): Your favorite scent
A sigh escaped from your lips as you relaxed on your bed, reading your favorite book. Your beautiful eyes scanned over the page soaking in every word. As you were about turn the page, your stomach growled. "Snack time!" You smiled, setting down the hard back novel. You smoothed out your dress and fur before wandering out into the kitchen. It had almost been a year since your mutation, but not that you minded, if you hadn't you would have never meet Splinter. He really helped you get adjusted to your new life. Nowadays, every time you looked at him, you got butterflies in your stomach. The feeling was completely foreign to you. In all the years you had been on this earth, you had never ever felt this way. You opened the freezer, smiling at ice cream kitty. She meowed at you and handed you a piece of cheese. "Thank you, Sweetie." You smiled as you took it off her. She returned the gesture as you shut the door. You glanced at the snack. It was covered in a piece of paper. You unwrapped your snack and popped the delicious dairy cube into your mouth. Then you looked down at the wrapper. It had something written on it. You squinted and read the small print. It said: "Meet me in the dojo at 6:45. ~Splinter". Then you turned your attention to the clock, it was already 6:15. You looked at the note again. Why was he being so... mysterious? This was so unlike him. What if this was a...? No. No way would he plan a date for you and him. You let out a shaky breath and tucked an imaginary strand of hair behind your ear. You decided to freshen up and dress up, just in case. As you wandered back into your room, a million thoughts ran through your head. You took a quick shower in your bathroom. After you finished, you began to raid your closet. As you put on your favorite dress, your heart raced. It wasn't like you two had never been alone before, it was just he never asked to be alone with you which made you nervous yet excited. You looked in the mirror as you put a matching bow in your fur by your ear. You brushed your fur and put on a bit of purfume. After that, you looked down at your furry feet, debating on putting on shoes. A sigh left your lips as you decided against it. "Here goes nothing." You said to your reflection, your voice shaking. Then you walked out, the lair now silent. Which was odd, usually there was always noise. You let a shaky sigh and walked up to the dojo door. Before you knocked, you glanced at the clock. It was 6:45 on the dot. After you gave yourself a mental pep talk, you entered. Your jaw almost hit the floor as you walked in. The lights were off, but there were candles everywhere. The room smelled of (Y/F/S). Your amazed expression, turned into a very happy one as you saw what was under the tree. There was Splinter sitting on a blanket with a nervous look on his face. He sat with a large bowl of cheese fondue, with smaller bowls filled with breads, pretzels, slices of roast beef. There was also a cheese cake sitting on the opposite side of the blanket along with two glasses of champagne. "What's all this?" You asked softly, with a smile plastered on your face. He glanced up at you and smiled. "I thought you needed a break, I know my sons can be a handful at times." He stated. "Well this is really thoughtful!" You said graciously. He patted the space beside him on the blanket. You caught the hint and sat down beside him. "You look beautiful." He complimented. That statement brought a blush to your furry cheeks. "Thank you, you look great yourself." You said nervously, playing with your fingers. He chuckled, "Thank you. Would you like some?" He handed you a fondue fork. You happily took it, and dunked a piece bread into the cheesy food. You both ate, drank, and chatted. if you didn't know any better you would swear he was lightly flirting with you. As the two of you ate the dessert, you couldn't help but ask, "Why did you really ask me down here?" As you talked you placed your empty plate and glass down. Splinter looked at you with his beautiful ruby eyes. He placed his plate and glass down on the blanket. "Miss O'Neil said that I should do something to grab your attention, and I remember you telling me that a picnic was your perfect date." He said. Your fluffy cheeks turned red as he took your paw in his. "So it was a date." You thought to yourself, becoming unexplainably happy. "This is a date?" You asked for reassurance. He nodded, "Watashi no hana, I have had these feelings for you for a while now. As soon as you walked through that door, you stirred something in me that I have not felt in a long time." He admitted, making your heart soar. "Do you feel the same, my cherry blossom?" He added. Not being able to find your voice, you just nodded as you lost yourself in his eyes. He smiled widely before leaning in. You caught the drift and leaned in meeting him halfway. He pressed his lips against yours. It was unlikely any other kiss you had ever had, in a good way. Your lips molded against his perfectly. "DUDES! THEY KISSED!" a voice yelled outside the dojo, making you pull away. "Mikey!" Three other voices scolded. Then the four fell into the dim dojo. You giggled at their antics, while Splinter looked mortified at them. "Does that mean we can call you mom now?" Michelangelo added. Splinter glared and they scattered. You laughed and planced your paw over his. "Kids." He sighed, shaking his head.
Woohoo okay here's this! I liked writing this... I never see any Splinter love. I will definitely write more of these though. Anyways sorry for any errors I made! ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ

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