Pumpkin Painting (Turtle Tots x Mom!Reader)

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(y/f/a): your favorite animal
(y/s/c): your skin color
(y/f/c): your favorite color
.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-The cool sewer air made you shiver. You were on your way home with two bags. One full of paint supplies and the other full of mini pumpkins. It was almost Halloween, and you had decided since you couldn't do a jack-o-lantern, you would paint pumpkins. You got six of them so everyone could paint one, and you had pretty much cleaned the art store out of paint. As you walked in, your boys tackled you in a hug. "Mommy! We missed you!" Mikey giggled. "I missed my babies." You grinned as your husband took the bags from you and put them on the table. "What's this?" He asked with a smirk. "That is their surprise if they have their rooms clean." You laughed. The boys gasped and ran into their rooms. "Hello my love." He chuckled before giving you a sweet kiss. "I thought we told the boys we couldn't carve pumpkins?" He questioned. The story behind that was: last year they carved a pumpkin and made a jack-o-lantern, but Mikey was fascinated with the flame and burned his hand. Then almost caught the lair on fire. "Well we did, but we are gonna paint pumpkins." You smiled. "Ah." He smiled, kissing you once more. "Our rooms are clean!" Four voices yelled, running back out into the main room. "Can we have the surprise now?!" Leo said, bouncing in place. "You sure can... But I need you to do one last thing for me." You smiled, squatting down to their level. They all groaned and pouted. "I need you to give me a kiss and then help me cover the table with newspapers." You stated. "That's two things." Donnie corrected. You sighed and laughed. "Then two things." You repeated. They giggled and each gave you a kiss on the cheek. Splinter helped them cover the table as you got out the paints and brushes. "What are we gonna do mommy?" Mikey asked, his blue eyes sparkling with excitement. "Since we can't make a jack-o-lantern, I thought we could paint pumpkins this year!" You revealed as you took out the tiny pumpkins. Your babies made excited noises and squirmed. "Okay well everyone get a paper plate." You said. They all got a Styrofoam plate and then they picked their colors. "And for you?" You giggled as Splinter held his plate out to you. He named off his colors and you squeezed them on his plate. You then got your four favorite colors and joined your family. "Mommy! Can we start now?!" Mikey asked. "Yes we can." Splinter smiled. They all grinned and started painting. You started painting your pumpkin to resemble a (y/f/a). "Lookie!" Your youngest son said as he showed off his pumpkin. You looked at it and smiled. He had painted it yellow with red large spots. "It's a pizza pumpkin!" He grinned. "It looks delicious baby." You smiled. Leo then showed his to you. It was painted blue with the Space Heroes logo on it. It even had white stars around it. "It looks beautiful love." You smiled, making him beam. "Look it mine!" Raphael whined. You looked over it and smiled. It had stick figures all over it. Four green ones, a brown one, and a (y/s/c) one. "That's so pretty, Raphie." You said, kissing his cheek. He giggled and continued to paint. Then Donnie showed off his. It was striped. Each section was painted red, blue, purple, orange, brown, and (y/f/c). "That looks wonderful sweetheart." You grinned. "Yours looks amazing, Mommy!" He complemented. "Thank you, sweetie." You smiled. You looked over at your husband's pumpkin. He had painted it pink with cherry blossoms on it. "Daddy! Yours looks amazing!" Mikey smiled, looking at his. "Thank you, my son." He chuckled. Once all the pumpkins were painted, you all left them to dry. "Now while these dry, how about we watch The Nightmare Before Christmas?" You smiled after you washed your hands. "Yaaaayyyy!" They all yelled, piling up on the couch. You and your husband joined them. The four giggled quietly and crawled into both of your laps. After they got comfortable, they cuddled you both. "I love you, mom." Leo yawned. You smiled softly and kissed his forehead. "I love you too baby." You whispered.
1.21K reads?! You people fluster me! Anyways I apologize for any errors I made Xx

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