Babysitting (Raphael x Reader)

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Y/N= Your Name
You should have stayed out of the lab. You knew he was working, but you didn't listen. As a result, you were now no older than 8 months old. Raph was assigned to watch you as the rest of them helped Donnie. Watching you was kinda boring, all you did was look at him. It was really creepy in his opinion. "You'll behave while I sleep, right Y/N?" He asked looking at you. You squealed and clapped your chubby little hands. He smiled and closed his eyes. He had to admit, you were adorable, but he always thought you were adorable. Secretly he was happy he got to watch you. When Raph opened his eyes again, you were gone. He blinked for a minute, looking around before standing up. "Shell, shell, shell!" He panicked, scrabbling around. "I was only asleep for a second!" He growled, searching for you. "They are gonna kill me!" He thought, wandering around the lair and glancing around for you. That's when he heard it, a soft giggle. The sound was coming from the kitchen. He sighed in relief and ran into said room. When he entered, he grinned as he saw the small child crawling into the fridge. "Jesus Y/N, you gave me a heart attack." He huffed, lifting you up into his arms. You just gurgled happily and touched his face. "You hungry?" He asked, laughing when you squealed in response. Luckily April had stopped by and showed him how to feed you. She was even nice enough to bring by some left over diapers, a onesie, and some formula from a kid she used to babysit. He heated it up and fixed it, exactly the way she had showed him. "Alright you, come on." He sighed, holding the bottle to your mouth. You began to eat and your tiny fingers wrapped around the huge bottle. "This isn't so bad." He chuckled, watching you. After you were done, he wiped your mouth and took you to his room. "RaRa." You said with a yawn as he laid down, putting you on his plastron. "Yeah, kid?" He asked, looking down as you. Your face had sleep written all over it. "Well sleep. I'm not stopping you." He smirked. You shook your head and began to squirm. "What?" He groaned. You managed to wiggle away and hop down from the bed. "Where are you going?" He chuckled as you attempted to open the door. He got up and helped you out. You then crawled to the center of the lair. Where Leo's action figures were. You picked up two and began to play with them. Raph could just imagine how furious Fearless would be if he saw this, so he laughed. Just as you were about to chew on one of the toys head, Raph snatched it out of your hand. "You'll thank me later." He smirked as you pouted. You reached for the toy and made grabby hands. He chuckled and shook his head, but gave you his finger instead. "RaRa!" You yipped, hugging his finger. "Yeah. I like you too." He grinned, looking down at the happy infant that was you. Maybe Don didn't have to fix you just yet...
.................................................... sorry for any spelling/grammar errors~(^w^)~ ... and sorry if he's way out of character and again I know this is on tumblr, MY tumblr. Have a turtletastic day ~

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