Young Love (child!Donnie x child!Reader)

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(Y/N/N): your nick name
(Y/M/N): your mom's name

The sewers were filled with your humming. Your mother was taking you down to see Uncle Splinter and his sons. She took you down there about three times a week. You loved hanging out with the four turtle boys. When you saw the door, you let go of your mother's hand and ran towards it. "(Y/N)!" Your mother laughed, jogging behind you. You ran as fast as your eight year old body would let you. A giggle escaped your lips as you knocked on the huge metal door. She finally caught up with you as it swung open. The mutant rat smiled as you wrapped your small arms around his legs. "Uncle Splinter!" You yelled happily as you hugged him. "Hello to you too, (Y/N/N)." He chuckled. "(Y/N)! Aunt (Y/M/N)!" The brothers yelled as they ran to greet the both of you. They all hugged your mom and told her they missed her. You did the same with their dad. "Alright, well I brought you some things." Your mom smiled, putting the bags she was carrying on the counter. The brothers bounced around happily. You giggled and snuggled into your "uncle's" furry chest. Leonardo practically burst with happiness when he was handed his blue Space Heroes shirt. Mikey mirrored his expression as he got his own gift. It was the newest Mario game. Raphael wore a smirk as he got an inflatable punching bag. Donnie swiftly held the rectangular box to his chest, his face now crimson. His brothers laughed quietly as he ran to his lab. That was odd. Donnie was usually ecstatic when you and your mother came to visit. The both of you would sit around and play with one of his many chemistry sets while you talked science. You absolutely adored it, but not as much he did. This was very unlikely him. You wiggled out of Splinters arms and went to investigate. Just as you got to the lab door, Raph tapped her shoulder. "Can you help me set up my dummy?" He asked with an annoyed expression. "Sure." You smiled. You got the pump from the shelf and followed him into the dojo. Where there was the deflated bag and the box was thrown across the room with the instructions. "I can't find the plug thing." He stated, glaring at the thing. You quickly found it on the back, giggling a bit and earning you his glare. After helping him set it up, you set back out to find out what was bothering Donatello Hamato. You knocked on the door and waited for him to open up. The door slowly opened and the tiny turtle peeked around at you. "Oh h-hi (Y/N)..." He smiled. "Is everything alright?" You questioned. "Y-Yeah... Come in." He said, his voice getting high. You raised an eyebrow but didn't ask. On his table was the purple box. When you got closer, you saw it was a jewelry box, from your favorite store in the mall. He scrambled to the box and snatched it up before you could. "What's in the box?" You asked curiously. "Wait!!" He yelped, silencing you. " Do you like Science? Because I've got my ion you!" He rushed out, handing you the box. The poor copper eyed turtle was red, deep red. You slowly opened the box, with a small blush of your own. Inside was a necklace with three silver charms on it: an "I love science" one, a microscope one, and a Saturn one. You beamed at it. It was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. "S-So will... w-will you be my g-girlfriend?" He squeaked out. Your happy expression was replaced with a sad one. He frowned and took your sadness as rejection. "It's okay... I'm sure you would rather be with Mikey anyways." He sniffled, his eyes full of tears. "No! I want to be your girlfriend... It's just, I'm not allowed to... Not until I'm sixteen." You said, giving him one of your hugs. "Oh... Well I can wait." He said, giving you a sad smile. You smiled softly and kissed his cheek, making it turn red.

--extended ending--

You walked into the your best friend's lab, already on cloud nine. It was your sweet sixteen after all. "Hey Dreamy D. Do you know what day it is?" You grinned, sitting in your chair that was opposite of his. He looked up from his papers and smiled at you, showing off his adorable gap. "It's your birthday." He answered with a chuckle. "Good guess, genius." You giggled, playing with the microscope on your necklace. He looked at it and his grin got bigger. "Am I done waiting?" He smirked. You nodded gleefully. He then leaned over and gave you a sweet and soft kiss. Best. Birthday. Ever.

Did anyone get that reference?! No... okay.. I watch way to much criminal minds... Sorry for any errors I made ;-;

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