Pizza Rolls (Mikey x Reader)

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(Y/P/N): Your Pet's Name

A mouth watering aroma filled your apartment, making you groan. You were making some pepperoni Pizza Rolls for yourself, and you couldn't wait for them to finish. You hadn't eat anything all day, so you were starving. Your hunger was so severe that you couldn't even pay attention to your favorite TV show, for goodness sakes! Another groan passed your lips as you glared at the timer. Only forty-five more seconds... You could wait that long, right? Nope. You scrambled off your sofa and put on an oven mitt. "Safety first.", You said to yourself, remembering all the times you forgot to use it. You pulled out your dinner with a smile. After placing them on the stove top, you walked over to the cabinet where your plates were. "Dang it.", you hissed as you realized that there were no clean dishes. You glared at the sink full of dishes. "(Y/P/N)! I thought I told you to clean these!" You giggled as they looked at you. After you washed a plate, you put your food on it. "Mmm", You hummed, taking in the smell. "What cha doing?", Someone asked you, making you scream. That's when you heard a very familiar laugh. You spun on your heels and glared at your freckled boyfriend. "Michelangelo Hamato!", You scolded, setting down your plateful of Pizza Rolls. He just laughed as you wacked him repeatedly with the paper towel roll. "I almost dropped my food!" You growled. "Sorry, angelcakes!" He said grinning, earning him an eyeroll from you. "How'd you even get in here?!", You questioned as you poured your drink. "Windows." He replied simply. You just let out a sigh. Your lover just wrapped his arms around you and kissed your neck. "What are you eating anyways?", He asked. "Pizza Rolls.", You answered. You could practically feel him judging the delicious frozen food. "Try one!", You said turning around, with one in your hand. He looked at it with disgust. You wiggled it in front of your boyfriend's face. "Come on! It won't kill you! It's pepperoni Pizza flavored!", You laughed. He gave the small pizza filled rectangle a wary look. "You'll like it!", You insisted. He let out a sigh before taking the thing into his hand. He sniffed it and gave you a pleading look. "Eat it!" You huffed. He sighed and popped it into his mouth. He grimaced at first, but soon as he began chewing his face filled with awe and happiness. "See? Good!", You beamed. He nodded and leaned in for a kiss. You smiled and leaned in. You hummed happy as his lips met yours, but the kiss ended sooner than you thought. As you opened your eyes, you saw your boyfriend had dissappeared... and so had your pizza rolls. "MICHELANGELO HAMATO!!!!", You yelled.


Whoohoo! Two days in a row! Give me three *holds hand up* No...? Okay ;-; *high fives self*

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