Young Love (child!Raph x child!Reader)

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(Y/N/N): your nick name
(Y/M/N): your mom's name

The sewers were filled with your humming. Your mother was taking you down to see Uncle Splinter and his sons. She took you down there about three times a week. You loved hanging out with the four turtle boys. When you saw the door, you let go of your mother's hand and ran towards it. "(Y/N)!" Your mother laughed, jogging behind you. You ran as fast as your eight year old body would let you. A giggle escaped your lips as you knocked on the huge metal door. She finally caught up with you as it swung open. The mutant rat smiled as you wrapped your small arms around his legs. "Uncle Splinter!" You yelled happily as you hugged him. "Hello to you too, (Y/N/N)." He chuckled. "(Y/N)! Aunt (Y/M/N)!" The brothers yelled as they ran to greet the both of you. They all hugged your mom and told her they missed her. You did the same with their dad. "Alright, well I brought you some things." Your mom smiled, putting the bags she was carrying on the counter. The brothers bounced around happily. You giggled and snuggled into your "uncle's" furry chest. Leonardo squealed as he got his Space Heroes DVD set. Mikey smiled as he was handed his new skateboard. Donnie beamed as he received a new tool set. You looked eagerly over at your best friend, waiting for him to get his. His green eyes looked back at yours just for a millisecond, before he blushed lightly and looked away. What was his deal? You had never seen him blush or even act nervous. Your mother handed him a small box and smiled at him. He told her thank you before scurrying to his room. What was in the box and why wasn't he showing it to you? You guys were joined to the hip, you told each other everything. Well, at least you thought you did. Feeling bummed, you went to hang out in the dojo. It was always quiet and relaxing in there. You did what relaxed you most, gymnastics. You did a few flips and cartwheels. Every one you did, made you a tiny bit happier. "Just tell her!" You heard Mikey whisper from the other side of the door. "Shut up Mikey!" Raphael growled. You pressed your ear against the door. You hated eavesdropping, but you really wanted to know what was bothering him. "Oh come on! You need to tell her! If you don't I will." The playful turtle threatened. "You wouldn't dare." Raph hissed. Just then the door opened and you fell in between the two. They both yelped as you came tumbling out. "Bye!" The youngest brother said quickly after seeing his brothers face. "Uh.. hi?" You said nervously. He had a dumbfounded look on his face as his green eyes stared at you. After you got up, he seemed to realize what had happened. Once you were on your feet, he shoved you into the dojo and shut the door. "How much did you hear?" He asked, holding your arm. "Nothing! I was just walking out!" You lied. Your eyes widened as he let go of your arm. He visibly relaxed. "But umm... What did you need to tell me...?" You asked, your curiosity getting the better of you. He froze. After the words left your mouth, you regretted it. "I don't have to tell you anything." He said with a deep blush. "Oh." You said as you rubbed the back of your neck. "Here." He said, holding out the small box with a small, red, post-it note on top of it. Slowly, you took it from him and read the note. "Wanna be my girlfriend?" You whispered to yourself. You turned as red as his mask and looked up at him. He was also blushing and looking anywhere but you. Your curiosity got the better of you, and before you confronted him, you opened the box. Inside was a gumball machine ring. It was silver and had a flower shape on the top. You had told him that you had wanted one last week. "Oh Raphie it's so pretty!" You gushed, slipping it on. "Will you?" He asked, looking at the floor. Your face fell. You weren't allowed to date until you were sixteen. "Oh..." You mumbled, having no idea how to tell him. "No I get it, why date a freak like me? A pretty girl like you would never ever want to be my girlfriend..." He grumbled. "Raphael Hamato!" You huffed. He knew how mad it made you when he called himself a freak. "What?!" He growled. "I can't be your girlfriend... not yet. My mom said that I can't, not until I'm sixteen." You explained in a softer tone. "Oh.." He mumbled, obviously embarrassed. "Ask me again then, okay?" You smiled before placing a peck on his blushing cheek. He swatted you away, but smiled.

--extended ending--

Your sixteenth birthday was coming to an end. You were piled up on your bed, playing with your necklace. It was a chain that had your once silver ring on it. It was now clear, but you wore it everywhere. "Knock, knock." A voice came from the other side of your window. You looked over and saw your red clad turtle smirking. You let him in, careful not to wake your mom. "Happy birthday." He grinned, holding out a box, with a red post-it note on top. "What about now?" You read with a huge smile. You opened the small box, and in this one was a small sliver ring with a flower shape on the top. You couldn't stop smiling as you slipped it on. "Well?" He asked, wearing his signature smirk. You nodded and placed a peck to his cheek. He grinned and swatted you away.

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