My little warrior (Shredder x daughter!reader)

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You are about 5 in this (:


The gymnastic mat cushioned your bum as you fell. You pouted and glared at the training dummy. Why couldn't you be as good as your sister? A huff passed your lips before standing back up. You grabbed your dagger and took your stance once more. "Hiya!", you yelled, attacking the stuffed dummy. This time was no different unfortunately. Your bum hit the mat again, making you groan. Karai had already mastered this move when she was your age! Why couldn't you? Little did you know your father, The Shredder, was watching you with amusement. Not backing down, you stood back up. "You're mine!", you hissed as you gave the thing an evil glare. "Yaahhh!", You screamed, lunging at it without your small blade. This time, instead of trying that move, you just tackled the thing to the ground. "Victory is mine!", You yelled victoriously. A giggle bubbled up from your lips as you got up. That's when you heard your father's laugh. You turned to look at him, your eyes going wide. "H-Hi, father.", You said with an embarrassed look. "Hello my daughter. What are you doing?", He asked, chuckling. "Training!", You grinned. "Training?", He asked. You nodded happily as he scooped you up into his arms. You giggled and snuggled into his chest. "Would you like some help?", He asked holding you close. A gasp escaped you and you nodded excitedly. He smiled and sat you back down. You quickly scrambled into your stance. "No no my little Senshi (warrior). Your legs shouldn't be that wide, and your arms should be closer to you." He stated, adjusting your position. You nodded and looked back at him. "Now stay low and aim for the torso instead of the head.", He instructed. You nodded and mustered all of your strength, before jumping at the fighting dummy. "HIIIIIYYYYYAAAAA!", You screamed. Your dagger pierced the burlap skin and you preformed the move perfectly. As you realized what you did, a happy squeal passed your lips. "Look daddy! Lookie! I did it!", You exclaimed, pointing at the fallen dummy. "You did very well my tiny Senshi! I am very proud of you!" He said, clapping. You beamed at his words "See? Your stance is very important, little (Y/N). Never forget that. Sloppy form, sloppy moves." He said, making you nod. "I love you daddy!", You said as you hugged him. He chuckled softly and returned the gesture. "I love you too, Ōjo. (Princess)", He said softly, kissing your forehead.


Sorry it's short guys... But here have a cute moment between Shredder and his daughter- you! Have a turtletastic day my lovely readers!!!


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