Our Kitty (Raph x Neko reader x Mikey)

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This is for the lovely Animelover-Girl18~
(Y/H/C): your hair color
Grunts filled the dojo as Mickey and Raph sparred. Your tail swished nervously as it got more intense. It had been like this for a few days now. They hadn't spoken to one another in about a week, and no one could figure out why. Yet, everyone could tell that they were sparring a little harder than usual. Raphael kept stealing glances at you, and every time he did his orange clad brother would glare at him. After a while, Mikey pinned him down to the ground. Your cat ears flattened against your hair as he hit the floor with a "thud". Donnie winced as he watched. Splinter stopped the session and they separated. The two shared a glare before Sensei said, " That's enough for today." The two brothers stormed out in opposite directions. You could understand Raphael, he was always upset when he lost, but Michelangelo? He was almost always in a great mood and he never ever got mad at his brothers. He loved them to pieces! "What was that about?" Donnie whispered. "I have no idea but I am about to find out." You said with determination as you got up. As soon as you left the dojo, you saw the youngest brother walk into his room. Your (Y/H/C) tail swished as you followed him. A sigh escaped from your lips as you knocked softly on his door. "Who is it?" You heard him ask. "It's me." You answered. A scurry of feet was heard. "Ow!" He grumbled as you heard a crash. Just as you were going to ask if he was okay, he opened the door. "Hey Kitty!" He smiled, his anger demeanor no longer there. "Hey, Mikey! Would you mind meeting me in my room in um, say five minutes?" You asked, curling your tail. He chuckled and nodded, patting in between your ears making you smile. "Okay! See you then." You giggled. Then you wandered over to the hothead's door. Already knowing that he was in there, you knocked nervously. You really hoped he wasn't to upset, he could be kind of scary when he was. You gulped as your feline ears twitched. "R-Raph? You in there?" You asked, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "Just a second." You heard him mumble. After a few seconds of waiting, he opened his door. "Hi, Kitten, what do you need?" He asked softly. Wasn't he just angry? What the shell was going on today? "I was wondering if you would meet me in my room in a couple of minutes?" You said, rocking on your heels. "Sure. I'll be there." He said, giving you a small smile. You nodded and went into your room, ready to get your answers. You sat Indian style on your bed, waiting. "Is this a bad idea? What if I just make things worse." You thought nervously, making your tail twitch and your feline ears flatten. "What are YOU doing his shell for brains?" Raph growled outside your door. "She asked me to be here! What are you doing here?" Mikey huffed. You quickly ran to the door and opened it before things could escalate. "I asked you both here. We need to talk." You said, letting them in. They frowned but entered anyways. "Now, are you guys going to tell me what's wrong? Or am I going to have to guess?" You asked, closing the door. Mikey blushed and looked down at the ground. Raph just huffed and looked away. "Please tell me! I don't like my best friends fighting!" You pleaded as you sat on your bed. They both got a guilty look as you spoke. "What's the deal?" You whimpered. "I-I like like you." The orange clad turtle said softly. "I like you too." The red clad brother grumbled. Then it clicked, they were fighting over you. That brought a bright blush to your cheeks. "You both...?" You trailed off. They both nodded, smirking slightly. "You know angel cakes, if it's okay with you, I wouldn't mind sharing." The youngest turtle smiled, looking at his brother. He smirked and looked at his brother. "Neither would I, babe." He added. Your cheeks matched his mask as your tail swang in excitement. "I-I wouldn't mind..." You managed to get out as they stood inches in front of you. They both smirked and hugged you from each side. "Glad to hear it." They said in unison. You squeaked as they placed kisses on your cheek, trailing down to your neck. Your tail puffed and swished nervously as they continued to kiss and hold you. What did you just get yourself into?
Okay here you go love! Sorry if this isn't what you wanted and I apologize for any errors I made! Xx

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