Accusations (Donnie x Reader)

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This is for Animelover-Girl18 :$
The brisk Autumn breeze blew through your hair as you and your best gay friend (name) walked through the park. It had been a while since the two of you hung out. "So (nickname), anyone stole your heart yet?" He giggled. You rolled your eyes and blushed. "Ooh! You so do! Tell me everything!" He squealed. "His name is Donnie, and we've been going out for a couple of months now." You spilled. "And when do I get to meet him?" He asked. "Um, after the honeymoon!" You laughed. He pouted in response. "What do you mean?! I need to know if he is perfect for you!" He said, shoving you playfully. "Uh no, you need to see if he's perfect for you! You always try and take my boyfriends!" You giggled. "Pfft, only if they're hot." He winked. "So if I don't get to meet him, tell me what he looks like." He pressed. "Well, he's muscular, tall, has beautiful eyes, and he has the most adorable smile I have ever seen." You sighed, thinking of him. "Sounds like a hunk. Lucky! You catch all the babes." He huffed with a smile. "What can I say, I'm irresistible." You giggled. "Mmhmm, well this has been fun, but I have to get going." He stated, looking at his watch. "Alright, but we have to do this again." You insisted. "Yes we do, (nickname)." He said, placing a peck to your cheek. Little did you know, a little red head had witnessed the whole thing.

---time skip---

You walked into the lair, humming your favorite song. You knocked on the labs door before walking in. Your great mood, turning into one of concern. Donnie was sitting at his desk, with the most sullen expression you had ever seen. His copper colored eyes were red and puffy, like he had been crying. "Don? What's wrong?" You asked, walking over to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. "You should know." He growled, removing your hand. You were taken aback by his tone. In the four months you had been together, never once did he act this way with you. "I-I should?" You asked. He glared at you, making you step back. "What's gotten into him?" You thought to yourself. "What are you even doing here anyways?" He added. "Um well I came here to see my loving boyfriend, but apparently he's out. Let him know he can give me a call when he gets back." You said as you turned to leave. "Maybe he'd be here if you hadn't went out with another guy!" He yelled. You stopped. When had you gone out with another guy? "What are you going on about?" You asked, genuinely confused. "Oh don't act stupid! You know what I'm talking about. You and that guy in the park today!" He explained. Then it hit you, he thought you and (name) went out on a date. A fit of giggles pasted your lips. Donnie jumped and looked at you in bewilderment. He had expected you to deny it and yell at him, but not laugh. "Oh my GOD. You thought that him and I-" You managed to get out before going into another giggling fit. He continued to stare at you in complete confusion. "What's funny about cheating?" He asked sort of hurt. You stopped your laughing fit and smiled at him. "Nothing but baby, I didn't cheat. That was my very GAY best friend (name). We were just hanging out." You said softly as you walked up to him. "Then why did April tell me that you two kissed?" He asked in the same tone, not meeting your gaze. "On the cheek. It didn't mean anything. He does that with everyone." You reassured. He remained silent as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Promise?" He asked, finally looked at you. "Promise." You said. "I'm so sorry I yelled at you." He apologized as he pulled you close. "All's forgiven love, I would have reacted the same way." You grinned. He leaned down and kissed you. The kiss was full of passion and tenderness, it took your breath away as you parted. "So what are you doing?" You said, following him back to the desk. He grinned up at you as he took a seat. Then he launched into a scientific rant with you hanging on to every word.
Terribly sorry if this wasn't what you wanted, and I would also like to apologize for any errors I made. Have a turtletastic day my lovely readers~

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