Young Love (child!Mikey x child!reader)

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(Y/N/N): your nick name
(Y/M/N): your mom's name
(Y/F/F): your favorite flower
The sewers were filled with your humming. Your mother was taking you down to see Uncle Splinter and his sons. She took you down there about three times a week. You loved hanging out with the four turtle boys. When you saw the door, you let go of your mother's hand and ran towards it. "(Y/N)!" Your mother laughed, jogging behind you. You ran as fast as your eight year old body would let you. A giggle escaped your lips as you knocked on the huge metal door. She finally caught up with you as it swung open. The mutant rat smiled as you wrapped your small arms around his legs. "Uncle Splinter!" You yelled happily as you hugged him. "Hello to you too, (Y/N/N)." He chuckled. "(Y/N)! Aunt (Y/M/N)!" The brothers yelled as they ran to greet the both of you. They all hugged your mom and told her they missed her. You did the same with their dad. "Alright, well I brought you some things." Your mom smiled, putting the bags she was carrying on the counter. The brothers bounced around happily. You giggled and snuggled into your "uncle's" furry chest. Leo smiled and squealed as she handed him a Captain Ryan action figure. Raphael grinned as he got leather jacket and a new toy for Spike. Donnie squeaked happily as he got another chemistry set. You waited patiently for Mikey to get his present, but it never happened. He just got the bag from your mom and ran to his room, blushing. It confused you to no end. Mikey always showed off his present, ALWAYS. Splinter chuckled as he set you down. The eldest brother then drug you to go play Space Heroes with his toys. You were always Celestial and he was usually Commander Grundch, but this time he was Captain Ryan. After he inevitably defeated you, he giggled and hugged his new toy. "Hey (Y/N)! Wanna go skateboarding with me?" Michelangelo asked after tapping your shoulder. "Sure Mike!" You smiled as he helped you up. His blush made a reappearance. A smile graced your small chubby face and you poked his reddish cheek. His blue eyes darted away. "Come on!" You said, pulling him out into the sewers. He grinned and ran with you. You watched him as he did a few tricks on his board. He smiled widely whenever you would clap or cheer him on. Soon his little body wore out and he sat right beside you. You leaned your head on his shoulder and tossed a pebble into a near by puddle. He smiled and leaned his head against yours. "So how's your training going?" You asked. You wished your mom would let you become a ninja. That would be awesome. You could ninja kick that bully right off the playground. "Good! I've only knocked myself in the head twice today!" He beamed with pride. "That's awesome! Soon you won't even need the helmet!" You said giving him a high three. "I know! I can't wait... Then I can show off my sweet skills!" He grinned. You laughed, making him smile wider. Your laugh was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. "H-Hey (Y/N)..." He said, gaining your attention. He then pulled out a bag from his weapon holster. You stared at the white plastic with curiousity. "Here." He said blushing furiously, after removing the plastic bag. He held out a beautiful (Y/F/F). It was fake, but it looked almost identical to the real thing. "Aw! Thank you!" You said as you touched the petals. "No biggie." He said nervously. "Whats it for?" You asked. "Well... Donnie said that this would be the best way..." He said, playing with the ends of his mask. "For what?" You pressed. "To ask you to be my girlfriend..." He blushed not meeting your gaze. A deep blush covered your cheeks. You had never ever had a boyfriend before. Plus you weren't allowed to date until you were sixteen. "I get it. You don't want to date a turtle." He sniffled, pulling you out of your thoughts. "No! Its not that!" You yelped, seeing his baby blues fill with tears. "I'm just not allowed to date yet!" You explained. He brightened up a little at your words. "Oh..." He said, wiping away the tears. "I can wait!" He said, bouncing back to his happy self. A breath of relief escaped from your lips, glad to have your best friend smiling again. You made sure no one was looking before quickly kissing his cheek. Both of you smiled and headed back to the lair.

~Extended Ending~

You woke up as happy as could be, it was finally your sixteenth birthday. Just as you got out of bed, someone knocked on your window. You pulled the curtains back, revealing your energetic best friend. "Happy birthday, dudette." He grinned as you let him in. "Hey Mikey." You smiled. "So I have a question for you." He stated. You gave him a curious look that urged him to continue. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked holding out a real (Y/F/F). A light blush dusted your cheeks and you lit up as you took it from him. He had remembered. "I will happily be your girlfriend." You stated softly. He smiled widely as you kissed his cheek.

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