Young Love (child!Leonardo x child!Reader)

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Decided to make one for each of the guys and yes I'm starting each of them the same (:
(Y/F/C): Your favorite cookie
(Y/N/N): your nick name
(Y/M/N): your mom's name

The sewers were filled with your humming. Your mother was taking you down to see Uncle Splinter and his sons. She took you down there about three times a week. You loved hanging out with the four turtle boys. When you saw the door, you let go of your mother's hand and ran towards it. "(Y/N)!" Your mother laughed, jogging behind you. You ran as fast as your eight year old body would let you. A giggle escaped your lips as you knocked on the huge metal door. She finally caught up with you as it swung open. The mutant rat smiled as you wrapped your small arms around his legs. "Uncle Splinter!" You yelled happily as you hugged him. "Hello to you too, (Y/N/N)." He chuckled. "(Y/N)! Aunt (Y/M/N)!" The brothers yelled as they ran to greet the both of you. They all hugged your mom and told her they missed her. You did the same with their dad. "Alright, well I brought you some things." Your mom smiled, putting the bags she was carrying on the counter. The brothers bounced around happily. You giggled and snuggled into your "uncle's" furry chest. Mikey squealed and hugged his new video game. Raphael beamed when he got his new bandana. Donnie squeaked happily as he received his new Science textbook. Your mother chuckled as she handed the bag to the eldest son. He quickly ran into his room with it. What was with him? He always showed off his present. Well at least he did to you. After Splinter set you down, you went to go find Leo but you were stopped by Mikey. "Hey (Y/N)! Wanna go play my new game?" He asked with a smile. Not wanting to upset him, you agreed. The two of you wandered into his mess of a room. This one was called, Mario Party 8. It was for his Wii. You picked your favorite character and he picked his. Then you started to play. You pouted as the freckled turtle did his victory dance. He had beaten you by a land slide. Well, to be fair you had let him win. As he was dancing around, you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned around and saw a nervous Leonardo. "Hey L!" You grinned. "Hey (Y/N/N). Do you wanna go watch Space Heroes with me?" He asked. "Of course! You know I love that show!" You giggled, following him out to the main room. He had already set up a pillow fort right in front of TV. "This is so cool!" You gushed as the two of you crawled in. "You like it?" He asked with a small smile. "Duh!" You giggled as she turned on the DVD player. You snuggled up to him, making him blush. About halfway through the first episode, he pulled out a bag.
You gave him a curious look as he took something out of the plastic. It was a huge (Y/F/C). "Here." Leo said, offering you the oversized cookie. "How about we share?" You smiled. He grinned and broke it in half and handed you the bigger half. "Thanks L." You smiled, nibbling on the cookie. Leo smiled, he loved that he was the only one of his brothers that you had given a nickname. It didn't take long for the two of you to devour the delicious snack. "Um (Y/N)?" He asked as the credits rolled. "Yeah?" You answered softly. "Nevermind." He blushed. You sat up and looked at him. "Tell me." You demanded. "Its nothing." He mumbled. "Leo." You glared. He pouted, you never called him by his name unless you were upset with him. "I just... Um can I be your boyfriend?" He murmured, not looking at you. Your cheeks turned pink. He wanted to be your boyfriend? Really? "L... I would, but I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend yet." You whispered sadly. "Oh." He frowned. "But I will be able to in 8 more years!" You explained. "Okay..." He said smiling a bit. You hated when he was upset. In hopes to make him happy you have him a sweet peck on the cheek. His cheeks turned dark red, putting his brothers mask to shame, and his blue eyes widened. A giggle escaped from your lips as you held his hand. A goofy grin found its way on his face as the opening music played.

-extended ending-

You were helping April clean up your sixteenth birthday party. It was quite a bash, and so was the clean up. "Hey (Y/N/N)! Can I talk to you for a sec?" Leo asked after the lair was clean. "Sure L." You grinned, following him into the dojo. He was the only one that didn't get you anything for your birthday. You weren't snobby or a brat that just wanted everything in the world. It just hurt that your number one friend had forgotten about it. He closed the door behind you. You grinned when you saw a pillow fort and a laptop playing Space Heroes. The two of you crawled inside. Then he picked up a small paper bag. You raised an eyebrow and smirked. He then pulled out a enormous (Y/F/C). He smiled and handed you the cookie. "So, can I be your boyfriend now?" He chuckled. You beamed at the gesture. "Yes, yes you can." You giggled and kissed his cheek. His cheeks turned light pink as he smiled wider. You intertwined your hand with his as the opening music played.

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