Chapter 12.

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Randhir called Vardhan when he got some time and told him about his resignation from his previous job and also told him that he was all ready to join his company. Vardhan gladly welcomed him and promised him that now when he has taken up this job, then now he will surely help him reach heights.

Randhir was building trust on him and deep down he was happy with his decision of leaving his job. He was really happy with his budding relationship with Shanaya, oh sorry his budding friendship with her. Afterall, it was happening all because of her. If she hadn't helped him in meeting Vardhan, he wouldn't have built his confidence on himself and probably he would've have been struggling with his dreams in that company.

He called her to let her know about his decision, she at least deserved to know this, after all it was her because of whom all this happened. It was her who gave wings to his dreams.

"Hey!" She chipped enthusiastically over phone, smiling, making him smile too. This girl surely had something in her, she always made him smile, even in the toughest situation.

"Hi. Listen, I want you abhi. Let's go somewhere please. Only if you're free," He asked her and waited eagerly for an answer but in return he only heard her chuckle.

"Hello, are you asking me out on a date?" She questioned and pressed her lips together as to suppress her laugh. He was so adorable! Her one statement and he was sush!

"Hello! You there? Or you are already gone on that date without me?" She was teasing her and he was all quiet, fighting with his thoughts about what to say further. It was fun to tease him. He went all quiet! Her reason to laugh. She was facing a hard time doing so.

"No, no! It's not a date. I just wanted to go out so I asked you," He said like a good boy. Mahn, he was really feeling bad for saying those things, while she wanted to laugh like maniacs on his state.

"It's not a date? Bad. I wanted to go out on one with you," She said and the very next moment she was blushing at her own statement. These two, I tell you!

"Yaar! Please don't tease me," He faked irritation and pouted, but she knew he was all cool and was enjoying all this. She could even imagine his state right now.! They have bonded that well.

"Okay baba sorry. So, where are we going?" She asked.

"I will come to pick you up," He smiled over the phone and she chipped an okay and hung up.

There he quickly called one of his friends to book a table for two at a good place and to look after the decoration personally. He wanted to make it the best day of their lives. He wanted to enjoy to the fullest with her.

It was just a friendly attachment from both the sides which was growing and was about to take a turn in order to make the most beautiful relationship of the world.

Realising the feelings were not a cake walk. Especially when two people don't want to get into that feeling. She feared that she would again lose one friend, though it was just friendship from her side, but her heart was saying something more, which she was yet to realise.

The same was with him, the only difference was that he didn't fear of anybody but himself. He was scared, what if he wouldn't be able to justify himself and his feelings?

The feelings were not just till friendship. Had it been only friendship, they wouldn't have cared for each other so much, cuddle each other so much. Alien the new feelings were to them.

The point was that they himself didn't know about their feels.
They were only in that friend zone, so it will surely be tough to make them realise.

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