Chapter 43.

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A usual morning, and as the sun rose, the lady sleeping peacefully rubbed her eyes as the sunlight peeped in through the french window of her room, which successfully disturbed her sleep. Just as she changed her position, she smiled looking at the person sitting right next to her.

"Hey Mum, when did you come?" She smiled and got up. She was pleasantly surprised, this was something she was not expecting at all, but that was definitely one of the best things to wake up to.

"I came at 7, and you were sleeping so I didn't disturb you," She returned the smile and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

This was the moment Sanyukta was dying to have. She herself didn't remember when was the last time she met her parents and shared a bite with them, or had such happy moments with them. She was so busy with her work that she hardly had time to see them. Yes, she was at fault here.

"Just you? I mean, Dad didn't come along?" She questioned.

"He's off to Bangalore for some meetings. Don't worry he'll be here soon," Her mother had that smile still on, and Sanyukta just shook her head. Her Dad and his meetings were something which never came to end and she didn't want that to happen either. The company was her dad's happiness. Not that she or her mum wasn't important to him, but these official works were something he couldn't ignore. Anyway, Skype and having an ice cream together every night was the trick to make up to every thing.

They were living in their own happy world where sadness didn't exist.

"Okay. No problem. I'm so happy you came," She threw her arms around her mother's neck and she hugged her back. Moments of happiness.

"I love you," Sanyukta kissed her cheek and she returned the favor.


Randhir had his eyes fixed on the screen of his laptop in his cabin and he was busy sending the emails to some of the junior employees. The door of his cabin got open and Vardhan entered, and made himself comfortable on the chair.

"Randhir, pack your belongings, you're moving to US," This instantly got his attention. US. Moving? He lifted his lashes up to look at the man sitting right in front of him. Vardhan was unpredictable and his words and the feeling wasn't sinking in.

"What?" He questioned, just to make sure what he heard was correct. Did he really hear that? I mean, it wasn't easy to move of the country like that! There's so much which needs to be done and he didn't know what to do or from where to start.

"Sir, I can't. I mean... I," He stammered. He didn't have words to explain his condition. He'll have to leave everything and go? His work here, his country, his father, Sanyukta.

Sanyukta and him weren't really talking and there was so much to talk about already. Problems were already there between them and the number was just increasing. He. Was. Shocked... and confused. Most importantly, he had to talk to his Dad who was living at his sister's place from past one week.

"You're leaving Randhir. You'll go their and from now on, you'll be dealing with all our foreign delegates. It's important. Stop sending the emails and go there, assist the juniors and deal with the clients," He finished speaking and Randhir just simply nodded.

The next level. The higher one.


The work load was going to increase to an extent unimaginable and he had to be prepared for it. There were some works which were supposed to be done before leaving for USA. The top one was to confess to Sanyukta.

He had to do it. He didn't know if when he'll be returning to India once after he leaves. He really didn't care about her answer. All he knew was, that he had to say some things to her which were really important for him, if not for her.

"Sanyukta just cancel everything and meet me. It's really urgent," He said once he dialed her number, not even sparing a hello or giving her a chance to speak. She, on the other had just agreed to meet him at his place in the evening.

It was usual and that was so not him!

So, here you go!
Apologies for being so late.
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Annie. ❤

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