Chapter 44.

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The lights of his room were switched off, as if it would make any difference. He had to do it, he himself had chosen this path and now there was no turning back. He kept sitting there, his eyes fixed at the wall in front of him. His dream was important for him, more than anything else in the world but then, he had other priorities as well.

Keeping all his thoughts aside, he smiled.

He had to be happy because he was about to climb the stairs of success. The hard work he did all these years will finally pay off and he had to be happy for that. His mind, his thoughts diverted towards Sanyukta, and he smiled bright.

She had an equal share in all of this, if she wouldn't have helped him that day, he wouldn't be standing here. It happened because of her and he was happy that she gave him a chance to prove himself to the world. Yes, he still had a long way to go but he had already covered a long distance, and he was proud of himself, and somewhere he knew that she was also proud of him and the progress which he had made. 

Today, he was standing at the place in his life where he had to made a tough decision, but he knew that this was important for his career and maybe for their future as well. Only if she felt the same way like him. After covering such a long distance, if he decides to back out now, he knew it would be stupidity. Other than that, he just could not afford to lose what he had achieved. 

Dimmed lights, with no space for even air to enter in the room, he sat in the farthest corner with his legs curled up, in a total messy state and next to him was his suitcase which had all his goods. He was still in a deep thought and he didn't even realize when she came and sat beside him, keeping her hand on his shoulder and she looked at him with so much concentration that she didn't even realize that the fan was switched off and they were sitting in a room which looked no less than a room of a college going student. 

His room was messy. Things like vase and some medicines were resting on the ground and everything was scattered all over the place. His room looked no less than a jungle to be honest!

"Randhir, are you okay? I hope you are, and why did you call me here?" She rolled her eyes, carefully looking at the state of the room. It would've helped her if she switched on the lights. Ignoring everything weird, she fixed her gaze back at him, who didn't care to spare a glace at her. Attitude! Randhir sometimes behaved like a weird creature, and that was one of those times when he did behave like one. Who could guess what was going inside that big brain of his.

"I am lucky to have to have you Sanyukta. Thank you so much for everything you have done for me till now. You proved that you're a great friend. Thank you." He looked straight into her eyes and spoke and even in that dark room, in that darkest corner, she could see the genuineness in his eyes and could identify sincerity in his voice. If there was something whuch she loved the most about him, then it was his honesty, and the concern he had for his friends. Most importantly, the respect he had for her could be clearly seen in his eyes. 

She smiled a genuine one and he smiled back looking at her. The smile definitely had a hint of sadness, but he had to do this. Keeping her hand over his and giving it a light squeeze, she smiled wider, assuring him that she would always stay with him, no matter what happens. 

"I love you, Sanyukta. I won't be giving you any explanation and I won't demand for answers from you. I'm leaving for US tomorrow and I just wanted to let you know that I love you and will always do. Thank you so much everything." He just had to say this. Without the need of any answers from her, our without forcing her to stay in his life. He couldn't do that obviously. He wanted her to be happy, with him, without him, or with someone else. To say it wouldn't matter will be a lie. 

Sanyukta wasn't shocked, she was happy that he finally opened up to her. In her case, she wasn't sure what it was. She smiled and engulfed him in a bone crushing hug. She was happy for him. It was such a big opportunity for him, and she didn't want him to get distracted because of her. 

She sighed.

"I want you to make me proud. We'll meet again, and we'll complete our story I promise, but before that, make me and your Dad proud. All the best for your new journey. I'll wait for you." She smiled, held his hand, looked into his eyes, spoke and without a word more, she walked out of the room.

That's how the journey came to an end, to start a new beginning. 

They parted their ways, just to meet again.

Thank you so much to each and everyone who has been a part of it.
Since it's the last chapter of this book, I'd like you guys to comment :)
Once again, Thank you.
I'll tell you guys about the book 2 soon! ;)
Annie. ❤

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