The Green Place

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I was sitting in the long flowing green grass, playing with a little trinket my mother had found. If you turned a little lever on the side a beautiful tune would erupt from the box

It was a small simple toy, but I was very grateful for it. It wasn't often kids of my age were given such things. Most girls my age would love to play with tattered dolls all day. I would much rather tinker with an old object brought back from the few raids my mother would go on.

No matter what she found she would always make sure she brought me back a small trinket to toy with.
"Celia!" I heard my mother yell from across the field. I quickly stood up and ran over to her. My toy clenched tightly In my small Palm. "Yes, mother?" I said with a small smile on my face.

She pulled me into a tight hug for a good thirty seconds before letting go.
I looked back up at her and saw tears growing in her eyes. "Mother is everything all right?" She held her fingers to her lips motioning for me to be quiet. Then I heard it. The low rumble of car engines. I looked behind me and saw a number of large rusted cars hurdling towards my home.

My eyes widened and my mother once again pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged her back as tightly as I could not letting go. "Mother what do we do?" I said my voice a little bit shaky. "My sweet Celia..." My mother cried "you must go home. Hide and don't open the door to anyone" she croaked out. "But mother... What about you?" I said raising my eyebrows.

She pushed me in the direction
Of our shack. "Celia go home and don't come out.. Don't worry about me" she said the tears now spilling from her eyes and staining her face.

I turned and ran towards our shack as fast as my small feet could carry me. The cars were almost here and there was no way I'd make it there in time.

I turned around and saw my mother raising her gun at the approaching cars. I heard shouting and gunfire from both the mothers and the people in the cars.

I turned back around and ran straight into someone's chest. I looked up and saw a shirtless man with a sick
Grin staring down at me

Behind him two more boys approached
"This one'll make a fine wife dontcha think?" He said, his voice cracking from the lack of water he'd had.
The other two laughed and stared down at my small figure "to young right now but I'm just a few years I betcha she'll make a fine wife" one of the other men said

My breathing had quickened and I started to back away from the men slowly. I turned my head around to look behind me. There running towards me was my mother gun raised. I turned back around to see that the man had also taken a gun out.

Before my mother could retaliate the man fired his gun. And the bullet planted itself in my mothers chest.

--the picture at the top is Celia (Blade) when she was younger--

Bad to the Bone || A Mad Max Fury Road Fan Fiction. *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now