The fight

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I stared at Nux in complete confusion. "Nux we were alone in the corridors. Who are Larry and Barry?" He pointed to two large lumps on his neck. How could I never have noticed them before.

"Can we get off a this topic for a sec?" Nux questioned. "Blade ya kissed me. I think we should focus on that right now" he said raising his eyebrows. "Nux really not important right now" i shook my head. "But-"
"Nux how long have those things been on yer neck? And why would ya name them Larry and Barry??"

He just shrugged his shoulders in response. "I'll tell ya that when ya tell me why ya kissed me" he said shrugging his shoulders again. I sighed and looked at him. "Nux I care about ya and ya obviously already know that" he looked at the ground. "Larry and Barry been knawin' on my wind pipe fer bout a week"

He said simply. "Nux why wouldn't ya tell me?" He shrugged again. "I knew that ya'd worry bout me. I knew that any day ya would fight for what ya deserved. And I didn't wanna stand in the way" I sighed and stood up, slit standing up right after me. Nux slowly got to his feet with the help of me and slit and we walked out of the organic mechanics cave. Thanking the mechanic before we did.

When we entered the black thumbs cave everyone stared at me. I looked at where I had beaten axe and saw him still laying there.

Had no one thought to help him? Yeah he was an ass but someone should've brought him in.

We walked over to my little area of the room and set Nux down. He flipped over onto his back and sighed. "Yer not mad at me right, Blade?" He said raising his head from the cold stone. My eyes caught sight of the scars me and Nux had gotten as kids.

The ones that bonded us together. I bent down beside him. "Remember this?" I patted the fireball cut into his lower back. He nodded. "Nux this bonded us fer life. I can't stay made at ya" I smiled and patted his back before standing up.

"Now get up. Me you and slit are gonna start trainin." I said backing away from him. "Fer what?" Nux groaned. "Nux I almost got beat in that fight. I ain't gonna let it happen again" he hopped up from the ground and turned to me. We all smiled at each other and walked down the caverns.

I guess we were just looking for a relatively empty one. Anything would work. We found a large cavern with a few other war boys sparring and decided to practice there. Mostly it was me against Nux. But other times slit wanted a turn to kick his butt.

"Nux come on!" I shouted at him. He was losing a fight with slit pretty badly. I couldn't wait for my turn to tag in and take Nux's place. I could already feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

Slit landed one last punch to Nux's gut and Nux doubled over. Slowly walking away from Nux. I patted Nux's back and walked to where he stood before.

Slit smiled at me and took a fighting stance. Slit was pretty good competition to be honest. Better than Nux at least. (Sorry Nux I really do love ya but you are pretty weak) "go" Nux said his voice still showing a little bit of pain. Right away slit launched himself at me.

I fell to the ground and slit sat on top of me ready to punch me in the face. Before he could I lifted up my knee and kicked him in the groin. He groaned in pain and rolled off of me. I straddled him so he couldn't move.

I landed one weak punch to the face before he flung me off of him. I stood up and waited for him to attack me. He tried to punch me in the face again but I ducked away just in time.

I ran behind him and hit him in the back of the head. He lost his balance and fell face first into the ground. I laughed at him and gave him a chance to regain his balance. "Ya think this sis funny!??!" He fake scolded me. "lil bit" I said raising my fists again. Without warning he charged at me and punched me right in the temple.

And then. Darkness.

Bad to the Bone || A Mad Max Fury Road Fan Fiction. *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now