The Test pt. 1

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The man looked in at all of the girls. Scanning all of their bodies from top to bottom. I moved in closer to capable who was still wide eyed and staring at the man. I felt his stained black eyes move to Capable and I.

The man turned around and beckoned his boys to enter the car. Two of them walked over to me and Capable and unlocked our chains. Dragging us roughly out of the car. As soon as we were brought out of the box I could feel the sun already scorching my back and feet, so much so that my feet gave out on me and the war boys were now dragging me through the sand.

I tried to gain My balance so I was no longer getting  dragged by the boys but as soon as my bare feet touched the scorching sand I let out a weak Yelp of pain and I went limp again, letting them drag me away. I looked to my side and saw Capable walking alongside the boys. I looked to my right and saw another boy with a girl thrown over his shoulder. I looked closer at her and notice her hand was...gone... Why were these people so bent on taking us? Even at the expensive of a poor woman's arm. The top of my feet started feeling as if they were on fire, so I made another attempt at getting up. This time I did it. The sand still
Burned the bottoms of my feet but I didn't mind as much this time, I had almost already grown used to it.

I looked up in front of me and was shocked by what I saw. Three large mountains surrounding a large group
Of people with tattered clothes, burnt and sort of crusted skin and others with strange attachments on their bodies. Some such as growths on their bodies, very in grown teeth. And so many other mismatched appendages I couldn't identify. I felt bad for these people. Not because of the way they looked but because of the conditions they were forced to endure. The mountains offered next to no shelter from the sun,and there were no shacks or anything from what I could see. But there were balconies and exposed corridors in the mountains so there was definitely something going on in there.

I looked over at capable who looked just as terrified and shocked as I was. She must not have been from a place as large as this.

Me and the rest of the girls were brought into a large opening in the side of the Mountain. I squirmed around in discomfort under the boys rough grasp. Only making him tighten It further.

We were brought down a series of enclosed corridors. The screaming and struggling groans from the girls filled the air. Then we were finally brought into a large open room with blooming plants everywhere. The struggled noises still filled the air but nobody dared to speak at all. At the end of the large room there was what looked to be a vault door. That must be where they were taking us. I struggled as much as could under the boys grasp but he jerked me to one side making me go completely limp in his arms. He threw me into the vault. "Stupid girl" he said, spitting on the ground beside me. One by one all the other girls were brought to the vault. Some willingly stepped in. Others fought until they were eventually thrown down to the ground. Some were even either punched, kicked or grabbed in places by the boys that shouldn't be touched in such a manner.

I felt somebody touch my shoulder, I looked up expecting to see Capable's figure kneeling above me but instead I looked up to find an elderly woman, with black ink covering every inch of her body.

I looked at her with my eyebrows knitted together. She smiled
Warmly at me and pulled me to my feet. "Hello sweetie" she said patting my shoulder. Throughout this entire time I was felt like I had completely lost my voice. I had never seen someone so heavily covered in ink. She put her hand on the small of my back and guided me to a circular couch in the middle of the vault. I most definitely wasn't happy to be here. But I admit this place was impressive. More impressive than anything in the green place. I felt a pang of guilt in my chest. My home... I may never see it again. But even if I could would I want to? What did I have left there? Everyone I ever knew was probably dead. But I surely couldn't stay here. The people residing inside the mountains already seemed to be nothing short of monsters.

This woman was different though. "Hello" I said once I was seated. I pointed behind me to the woman laying on the floor missing  her hand. The woman Probably hasn't yet taken notice of her yet. "I think she needs help" I said sadly. The woman took immediate note of this and started walking over to her. "Sweetie what's your name?" She asked me. "My name
Is Celia" I returned "well it's wonderful to meet you, Celia my name is Miss Giddy" she said as she turned on her heel and walked away.

I could see from where I was standing that the bleeding in her arm had subsided. But she would still need help.

I got up slowly from the circular sofa and walked over to Capable who was staring out of a large glass window. I turned my head to face her. "Capable?" I softly said to her. She turned to face me, her two red braids framing her face perfectly. "Hello Celia"she said to me. "Do you think we'll ever see our homes again?" I said sadly, she just shook her head and sighed staring back at the window

She opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the vault door opening. All the girls froze and looked at the door. The man with the scary breathing mask and the black paint surrounding his eyes. He scanned the room looking over all the girls. His eyes landing on me, capable and the girl with no hand.

He pointed at the three of us. "Them. Get them" he said his voice coming out in a deep mechanical rumble. Two boys walked over to me and Capable. She grabbed my hand as the boys dragged us away.

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