The music box

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When we were back in the black thumbs cave everyone glared at me. I looked at my work bench and saw it piled up with car parts, weapons and just odds and ends items I was supposed to fix.

Axe came over to me and grabbed my arm,  dragging me back to my work bench. " go anywhere until you have finished fixing everything on this table!" He  screamed at me. Rage boiled in my stomach. I had to refrain from hitting him, I knew that would
Get me nowhere but I was willing to try.

I just nodded slowly turning towards my work bench. He stalked off, muttering profanities under his breath. "You better pray to Valhalla you get all that done before I come back!" He threatened. Then he turned around and walked out of the cavern. 

I felt Nux's small hand tap my shoulder. I turned around to face him. "Hi Blade" he said sadly. "In really sorry I got ya' in trouble" he said, keeping his head to the ground. "Nux it's not your fault" I said, picking through everything on the table. "Well... Maybe I could help you?" I turned around and looked at him. His lips were starting to scab over but still looked horrible.

"Do you know how to fix this stuff?"  He nodded proudly and stood beside me. Looking over all of the objects. He picked up the gun I had attempted to fix earlier. "I know howta fix this at least" he said looking over the gun. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go find a rag or somethin to get all the dirt of" he said walking away.

I dig through the pile to find the little box my mother had given me. I found it at the bottom of the pile. Taken spat and still broken. "I'm back!" I heard Nux say cheerfully from behind me. He came back up beside me and took the gun from in front of me.

"Once we clean it off then we can see what's maken it not work." He said getting to work cleaning the gun. War boys didn't have the best grammar. But I guess it's good they even speak English at all. A lot of the people in this wasteland don't.

"Done!" Nux chirped, admiring the now clean gun. "Look 'ow chrome it is now!"  He said smiling at me. "Nux... What does Chrome mean?" "Oh... I don't really know." He said still working on the gun. "Just somethin the war boys and war pups say I guess"  I nodded and looked at the gun he held in his small white hands. "Here, blade" he said handing me the knife. "You try"

--after they work on the gun--
(I didn't feel like going through that process)

"See! Easy right, Blade?" Nux said happily, Patting me on the back. "I guess so" I said nodding. He looked down at the box my mother had given me. " ey I got one a' these!" He said picking it up and turning the lever.

But nothing came out. "I don't know what to call it" I said looking at the box. "I been callin mine a music box. The gears are real rusty. Look like ya gonna need some new ones" he said with a sad expression on his face. "Nux it's fine, we don't have to worry about it now. We have to get working on the rest of this stuff." There was a dull knife, a steering wheel and a gas petal.

I heard a pair of footsteps growing louder and louder. I looked behind me and saw Axe waking towards us. "So, ya fix anythin at all?" He said mockingly. I nodded my head and grabbed the gun from the table handing it to him slowly. He grabbed it from my hand and examined it. He stuck it in a pocket in his cargo pants and walked away.

Bad to the Bone || A Mad Max Fury Road Fan Fiction. *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now