The five year mark

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(I feel like a loser skipping five years. But I'm still gonna do it XD)

--5 years later--

I was standing in front of my work bench finally customizing my wheel. I had hope that soon I would get my own car. But I was still technically a slave to them. "Ey!" I turned around to see Axe walking towards me. He grabbed my arm and started pulling towards the car me and Nux would always play on as kids.

"Fix it" he said. "Okay... Well that's wrong with it" I said putting emphasis on wrong. "It's yer job, ya gotta figure it out." He said roughly pushing my shoulders. "Okay must you be such an asshole!!" I shouted at him
He wrapped his hand around my neck and pushed me against the cold stone wall.

"Blade!!" I heard Nux shout. I locked eyes with axe and kicked him in the balls. I got no respect around here. That was about to change.

"Nux get the rest of tha war boys!" He nodded and ran off to find them. While
I was distracted talking to him he landed a punch on my jaw. I probably wasn't going to win this fight but I had hope.

I looked up and saw that at least ten of the war boys had gathered around. I knew Nux and slit wouldn't stop until they were all here. I jumped onto axe and knocked him to the ground. I sat on top of him and landed as many punches on his face as I could. They were weak but in large numbers they could be effective.

Axe used all of his strength and pushed me off of him. He grabbed a fistful of my hair making me Yelp in pain. He laughed at my pain. I felt rage boil up in my stomach. He wrapped his hand around my neck I leaned my head down as much as I could and bit his arm. I heard the flesh breaking under my teeth and this time he yelled out in pain.

The shouts and cheers of the war boys filled the air. I tackled him again and forcefully slammed his head against the stone floor multiple times I landed one last punch on his jaw and heard a crunch. I broke his jaw.

"Don't ever tell me what ta do ever again" I grabbed his jaw and spit in his face. I stood up and the crowd went silent. "Weren't expectin' me to win were ya?" I shouted at all of them. "Look all I ask for is some respect." I said raising my eyebrows. "And if you don't show me some respect, all of ya will end up like this poor fool"I said pointing to axe who was laying passed out on the ground.

I felt a rush of adrenaline course through my veins. I haven't felt this great since I was a kid. Nux was the first one the start cheering. No one else protested they just joined in. Finally. I finally wouldn't be treated like a slave anymore. Nux and slit came up to me and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around both of them and smiled.

"I'm proud a ya'" Nux said "me to" slit repeated. "Thank you guys..." Nux and slit pulled away and looked at my face. "We should take ya to tha organic mechanics cave..." Nux said holding in his laughter. I smiled and walked off to the mechanics cave. When we got there he stared at me and scanned my body up and down. I had a large gash on my forehead
My lip was torn and I had a black eye. My hands were covered in blood and I had dull streaks of Crimson fused into my blonde hair.

"What appened to ya?" He said his eyebrows knit together.

"Blade kicked axe's butt!" Nux put his arm around my shoulder and I put mine around his bare waist. He patted my head roughly and walked over to where the mechanic was sitting with me still by his side I sat down on a bench that wrapped around a big stone podium. Nux on one side with his arm still around me, slit on the other and the organic mechanic across from us.

He lifted  his dirt and blood crusted hands to my face and started to clean the blood away with a smelly rag.

He looked intently at my torn bottom lip. "Might need some stitches" he said biting on his bottom lip.

I cringed at the thought of a rusted needle piercing through my skin. "I'm good" I concluded. "Ya sure? It'll leave one hell of a scar" he raised an eyebrow at me. I nodded again, he sighed and lifted the dirty cloth to my head. He cleaned it roughly and I flinched every time it came into contact with my skin.

"Okay!" I said demandingly. "I'm fine!" I stood up from my spot and walked to the entrance. I felt someone grab my hand and I looked back to see Nux. We continued walking down the caverns. When Nux fell against the wall. I heard his breath start to quicken, it sounded raspy and forced. Not healthy at all. "Nux!" His eyes started to flutter. I put his arm over my shoulder and hoisted him to his feet, dragging him back to the organic mechanics cave.

I dropped him onto the floor falling onto my knees beside him. "Help!!" I screamed. I don't know where the mechanic went but he wasn't where we left him. I could feel the tears sting at the back of my eyes.

I looked up and saw slit running towards us. I wiped the tears away from my eyes. "Slit help" I pleaded. He didn't look worried at all. He bent down beside Nux and opened his mouth. He put his ear next to his mouth to see if he was breathing.

I watched intently waiting for slit to tell me he was fine. He lifted his head up and quickly shook his head. "He's not breathing. You stay with him" he stood up and ran off. I sat behind him and put his head on my lap. A few minutes later slit came back with the organic mechanic trailing behind him. He had a strange tube in his hand. He tipped Nux's head back and stuck the tube down his throat. He put his mouth on the tube and started blowing on it.

I watched as Nux's chest slowly rose and fell. Then his breathing quickened and the mechanic pulled the tube from
His throat. Nux's eyes fluttered open slowly and a laugh of joy escaped my lips.

Without even realizing it I bent down and kissed him. He was stunned and didn't have time to kiss back before I broke away. He sat up slowly still trying to catch his breath. "Nux what happened?" He sighed and scratched the back of his neck.

"Nothin..." He turned around to face me and a bright blush was peaking out from the white clay caked over his skin.

  "Just Larry n' Berry"

Bad to the Bone || A Mad Max Fury Road Fan Fiction. *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now