Splendid Angharad

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I hopped over the front seat and into the back. I may not have known Splendid  but she clearly meant a lot to the other girls, especially Capable. I opened the door and saw Splendid standing beside it, smiling lightly over at bloodbag who gave a thumbs up in her direction.

Splendid grabbed the door and began to climb into the rig. But she slipped, her only grip was the door which was slowly falling from its hinges. Me and capable bounded forward and tried to grab her hand. But it was to late, the door snapped and splendid fell. "Angharad!" Capable screamed. I followed her body with my eyes in complete terror.

Immortan swerved out of the way but it was to late Splendid Angharad rolled under the large wheels of the giga horse, she was gone as was her mini warlord.

I sat there beside the now open door with my jaw hanging open. The cries of Capable and the other wives filled the air. "Did you see it?" Furiosa looked over at me and then at blood bag. "She went under the wheels..." Bloodbag grimly confirmed. "Did you see it?" She asked more demandingly towards me. "She...she went under..." I said slowly. "Turn the rig around!" Capable screamed for the second time. "We keep going" furiosa sat looking straight out of the window.

What if she wasn't dead? We left her back there to go back to immortan. Yes she did go under the wheels but that doesn't necessarily mean she's dead. I pulled Capable into a hug regardless of how mad I was at her. She was still my friend. She hugged me back and rested her head on my shoulder, her loud sobs muffled by my messy blonde hair.

---Two hours later---

"Nux...Nux!! Please... Please come back, Nux please!" I pleaded I looked down at Nux's bloody bald head his piercing lifeless blue eyes had lost their  shine. Nux was gone. I heard the evil mechanical laugh of immortan joe and looked up to see him with capable in his grasp. Her belly was swollen in the late months of pregnancy and he had a bullet aimed at her temple.

"No..." I whimpered "no...please don't..." The tears continued to rain down my cheeks, washing all of the white clay away. He cocked the gun and pulled the trigger.

I jolted awake with a cold sweat over my body. "I'm gonna go down and do some repairs." Furiosa said opening the door. "We need someone out back" capable's head lifted up and she looked at furiosa. "I'll go" I looked over at her. "No I'll go" before she could protest a grabbed driving goggles, some binoculars and hopped out of the door.

I climbed to the top of the rig with my one good hand and into the lookout area. (I don't know if that's what it's called.) I rested my head on the window, no war parties, no guitar riffs from immortans Doof warrior. Just the hum of the war rigs engine.

I felt something brush up against my leg and I looked down to see Nux, wide eyed and breathing unsteady. "...Nux? What are you doing here...?" He swallowed slowly. "He saw it....he saw it all." I furrowed my eyebrows and lied down beside him. (Is that proper or am I just stupid? And Ashley do not comment what I think you will)

"Saw what?" He connected his eyes with mine "my own bloodbag drivin the rig that killed 'Er" splendid...he was talking about splendid... He started to bang his head against the rough metal of the rig. "Nux stop...what are you doing..?" I said calmly resting my hand on the side of his bald head.

He stopped and looked back at me. "Ya know I thought I was spared for somethin great" his voice was shaky. "Got to drive a pursuit vehicle....until that last time Larry and Barry stopped chewin on my windpipe." My heart fell at what he had said and my mind traveled back to that day. The sound of Nux's forces breaths. Organics dirty hands all over Nux's mouth.

"if immortan doesn't get me the night fevers or Larry and Barry will." Night fevers...since I had been brought to the Citedal I had experienced quite a few, they were horrible. The sweating, the stomach pains and the coughing.

"I was awaited in Valhalla. But I failed. It was my destiny..." He slowly looked away. "I would say it was yer destiny not to kill furiosa" I examined his scarred lips. I remember that day perfectly. He way his eyes smiled through the tears when it was done. How carefully he executed his words.

I reached out and placed my hand on his lips, running them across the scars. He looked at me and his lips trembled under my touch. "Immortan joe isn't going to lay a hand on you, Nux" he brought his hand up to mine which was still resting on his lips and held it tightly. "Please don't go" he pleaded quietly. I shook my head and patted the scar hidden by my grey shirt. "Never" he copied my actions and put his hand over the scar on his lower back.

"Besides I don't have a choice. I gotta stay out here" I smiled at him lightly and he returned it with a weak smile. I had my best Friend back. I can only hope I don't lose him again.

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