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I fell asleep after me and Nux had finished talking and woke up about half a hour later. I started to get up but heard Nux groaned and I stopped moving. I looked down and saw his arm was draped over my body. I tried to move his arm off of me but that just disturbed him more. I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm making him jolt awake and stare at me.

"Mornin' sunshine" he stuck out his bottom lip and pretended to pout. "Blade its not even Mornin' it's the middle of the night" I looked out of the window. "Crap I gotta go back" before he could say anything I hurried out. "Oh and stay here" I said before rushing away and back into the rig.

The girls were startled but quickly recovered and their tensed muscles relaxed. "Did you see anything" furiosa looked at me through the rear view. K clearly hesitated with my answer. I don't know why but I always got so nervous when I lied to someone. Maybe it's something that's stuck with me from home. "No" I shook my head and
It she furrowed her eyebrows at me but nodded anyways.

---1 hour later---

Me and capable were talking about what her life was like after we had been separated. How immortan would constantly violate all of them until they were pregnant. Luckily splendid was the only one who was visibly pregnant.

She told be about all of the wives, Cheedo, the Dag, toast, capable and at last, splendid Angharad. I felt a jolt and my head got banged up against the back of the drivers seat. I groaned and hopped out of the rig. My feet immediately sunk down into the deep mud of the wasteland we called home. The war rig was stuck in all this mud.

An idea hit me. If Nux could help us get the rig free then they would have to trust him. It was a long shot but it might work.

I crawled up the side of the rig one handed and walked across the top into the lancers perch where Nux was sitting against the wall staring at the ground. "Nux" he snapped his head up and looked at me. "Clime with me I have and idea" he nodded in agreement and followed me out of the lancers perch.

We crouched along the top of the rig and jumped in the sun roof. He got into the driver seat and started the rig. He slammed the gas petal and the rig lurched forward. I got into the back seat of the rig and leaned out of the door. "He wants ta help!" I shouted at no one in particular. "Who!?" Cheedo shouted back. "Nu-... The war boy!" They didn't know him by his actual name so I decided to just go with war boy.

"I thought we threw him out!?" She shouted back once more. I shrugged my shoulders a got back into the rig. We only got a few more feet before the rig stalled and we were stuck deep in the mud again. "I never thought I would somethin as shine as that" Nux said smiling and laughing breathlessly. I smiled at his child like attitude. The driver side door burst open and furiosa aimed her gun at Nux. He held up his hands in surrender.

"There's high ground, just above that thing" he pointed to a bare tree in the distance. I rolled my eyes. "He means the tree" he nodded. "Yeah the tree thing"

I heard a shot ring out and I looked over to see bloodbag shooting a gun at an approaching car. "You've got two left!" Cheedo shouted at him. He nodded in her direction and raised the gun again he took the shot and missed again. Furiosa handed the gun to Cheedo and told her to keep it on Nux.

She took the gun from bloodbag and put it on his shoulder. "Don't breathe"

Bad to the Bone || A Mad Max Fury Road Fan Fiction. *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now