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*Capable's POV*

I wanted to turn around and get my best friends back. But they wouldn't let me. They said it was to risky to go back now. We had to wait. I was completely silent the entire way back to the Citedal was incredibly weird, I was finally free of the one man keeping me captive and yet I've never felt more trapped. All I wanted in this moment was to turn around and get them but we couldn't... Just as I had felt when Angharad had fallen from the rig.

I felt a pang in my heart at the thought of all of them Angharad splendid, gone. Nux and Blade both potentially gone and perhaps Furiosa may not be as strong as we all believe. I crawled back into the giga horse and looked at Furiosa's mangled, distraught body sprawled out on the metal floor of the giga. She was wheezing forcefully and struggling to stay awake. The man who Nux and Blade had known as Bloodbag had a knife held to her side. Her lungs were collapsing as I had been in informed. If Bloodbag was right this may work and save furiosa's life.

When he stabbed the knife into her side the wheezing stopped and she was visibly breathing better. But now she had started to fail from blood loss. "Keep her awake." Bloodbag demanded. I carefully bent forward and rested my hand on hers. They were as cold as the stone walls of the vault I had grown up in. "Furiosa..." I whispered into her ear. Bloodbag was working on some tube that had blood coursing through it. He had one in his arm and he stabbed the other into furiosa's. He placed his hand on her forehead and looked at her resting bruised face.

"Max." He looked around at everyone. "My name is Max." He nodded and looked back at furiosa. "That's my name."

--10 minutes later--

A short time after we arrived at the Citedal. We were greeted by the wretched immortan kept below. mangled whoops and cheers erupted from their cut deformed mouths as they chased after the giga horse. We were all told to stay inside the car until Max was sure it was safe to come out. "State your identity!" The war boy working the elevator Hollered down at us. Max slowly climbed onto the front of the giga horse with his arms  raised above is head.

He slowly reached down and tore away the sheet covering immortans lifeless body. Loud cheering and chants started to fill the air the elevator used to pull up immortans giga horse lowered down at a steadied pace. Before immortan would go as far as to kill the wretched of they tried to hold onto the elevator. But all of us hopped onto the rough wood and pulled up ever person we could. Within minutes the elevator was filled with people.

And just like that, even with all the war boys, friends and family we lost. We had taken the Citedal.


Well that's the end of bad to the bone :(.
I'm not sure if I'll be writing a sequel but I'm thinking about it. Comment or vote if you think I should! Byeeee!!


Bad to the Bone || A Mad Max Fury Road Fan Fiction. *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now