The wives

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"Blade!" I heard a faint voice calling for me. I tried to open my eyes but I like
couldn't. I felt someone slap my face and I groaned. The person slapped my face again. "Blade! Get up!" I slowly cracked open my eyes as they adjusted to the light. I lifted up my head and saw Nux staring at me wide eyed.

He grabbed my arm and I yelped out in pain making him drop me. I broke my arm. "Blade get up!" He yelled at me coldly. I pushed myself to my feet with my one good arm and looked at Nux.

"Where are we...?....where's my car?" He grabbed my good arm and spun me around. In the distance I saw the war rig speeding away. "Run" he quickly said and took off towards the rig.

I sighed and took off after him making sure to keep my broken arm from moving. He caught up to the rig and jumped onto the back. He turned around to face me. I held out my hand to him, he grabbed my hand and pulled me up beside him. "Blade climb top a' the rig and go inside. They know ya"

Before I could protest he pushed me out of the way and went inside the back of the rig. I used my one good arm and climbed on top of the rig. I walked across the top and slid down the side and by the drivers side door. I opened it and there was a man leaning against the door.

He turned around and held a gun at me. He grunted and pulled me into the rig. I looked at furiosa who stares back at me with wide eyes. "Celia...?" She knitted her eyebrows. "Yeah...well not anymore but yeah" I nodded my head she locked the gas petal on the rig and put her hand on the back of my head. I copied her actions and put my hand at the back of her head.

It was the greeting of the green place. She pulled away and unlocked the petal. I turned around and saw 5 girls sitting in the back seats. And among those girls was Capable. I locked eyes with her and a wide smile spread across her face. She leaned into the front seat and wrapped her arms around me.

She pulled away and looked at me. "Oh my god, Celia you look so different!" I laughed lightly at her. "Wish I could say the same 'bout you, you still look like the same capable" she laughed and sat back with the rest of the girls.

I sat back into the front seat and looked back at furiosa. Just as I was about to speak I heard the girls scream.

Someone jumped up and wrapped a chain around furiosa's neck. A girl with white hair bit him and he fell back. He stayed still for a minute and I saw who it was and my stomach dropped.

It was Nux.

--I try to make cliffhanger endings...i fail but I try

Bad to the Bone || A Mad Max Fury Road Fan Fiction. *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now