The Rig

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For a moment my entire world was frozen. My mother. The only person I've ever loved was gone. I turned around and ran to her as quickly as I could, my bare feet sliding in the sand surrounding the green place. "And where do ya' think you're goin!'" The man yelled at me.

He grabbed my arm and yanked me back. Dragging me away from my lifeless mother. I could feel the warm tears streaming down my face, My mother didn't deserve this. During her lifetime she never harmed another person, unless it was someone who threatened the well being of her family and friends.

As I was lost in my thoughts I had somehow tripped on a rock poking out  of the soft terrain, splitting my small toe open and falling to my knees, the boys picked me up and began dragging me towards a car with a large circular back. They brought me over to the side which popped open as if on command. On the inside of the door there were two more boys almost identical to the ones dragging me here.

My eyes widened at the sight before me. On the inside of the big car there were other girls chained up. Some crying, some praying to the gods above, others had passed out. I tensed my muscles and dug my feet into the cold metal for as long as I could before they succeeded in dragging me into the metal cage.

The two only laughed at my failed attempt of stopping them.. The tears on my face doubled once they got me into the car. I was dragged over to a corner of the box and chained up like the rest of the women

I struggled with all the strength I had left to get out of the restraints but the rusted metal only scarred and tore my skin, getting out was hopeless at this point.

The boy rolled his eyes at me before turning his back and walking off. I turned my head upwards to get a better look at my wrists. They looked much worse then I thought the shackles were  able to do.

I felt a soft hand touch my small shoulder and looked beside me to see a girl about my age, maybe a year older with flaming red hair. I had never seen her before,She surely didn't live in the green place.

"Hello, my name is capable" she said softly In a hushed tone. I stared at her for a while before I gathered the courage to say anything back to her. "h-hi my name is Celia" I said, my voice cracking halfway through my sentence. Her face showed no sign of redness at all. She definitely hadn't been crying. Or maybe she had just been in here long enough to come to terms with the fact we would all probably be killed.

I cleared my throat so I could speak more clearly this time. "So... Capable, do you have any idea where we're going? Or who these men are?" I said sadness and curiosity filling my voice.

She nodded her head slowly, her deep brown eyes boring into my bright green ones. "I've heard words being passed around that we're going to a place far from here. A place called The Citedal"

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