The fireball

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"Ya....want... A scar..? He looked extremely confused by what I said. "Yeah..." I said slowly. "Is that a problem.. ?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "No! But I just didn't think that ya would do it" he said stuttering a little bit. "Do ya... Wanna go right now...?" I nodded and skipped off out of the cavern.

"Blaaaade!!" Nux whined. I heard his footsteps echo behind me.  Not gonna lie I felt like I was going to vomit everywhere. But I needed to prove I was tough. He caught up to me just as I entered the organic mechanics cave. Nux has taught me a lot about this place. Like the names of everything.

"Ey Nux!" Scar cheered  " I see the lips av' healed up nicely!, ya back for another one?" Nux smiled at me and back at scar. "Nope! This ones for Blade!" He said gesturing his head towards me. I nervously smiled and nodded. "Oh... Okay then. Hop up 'ere then girly" he smiled at me. I jumped up onto the rusted cold metal table. "So whatcha gettin?" He asked me leaning on the table. I thought about it for a second. "I think I wanna fireball right 'ere" i said patting my right shoulder blade. "Alright" he said sticking out his bottom lip. I reached out my hand towards Nux and he quickly grabbed it, already knowing what I wanted.

I felt the cold metal start digging into my skin and it stung like a real fireball. I was clenching Nux's hand so tightly that my own arm was shaking. Oh as to bight down on my bottom lip to stop myself from screaming out in pain, and I felt the tears sting at the back of my eyes but I was not going to cry.

"Done" he said. "Um... Scar?" Nux said hesitantly. Scar hummed back at him response. "Ya think I could get tha same thing as Blade?, except on my lower back right 'ere?" He said patting the part of his back that was just above his cargo pants. "Sure bud, hop up 'ere just beside yer little girlfriend." He said smirking at Nux.

We both glared at him. I scooted over so Nux had more room. The scar Burnt even more at the sudden motion and I flinched but kept scooting. I grabbed Nux's hand and smiled at him. He smiled back and closed his eyes.

"Actually imma need ya to lay down on the table." Scar said. Nux let go of my hand. I scooted back so my legs were fully up on the table. Nux laid down on his stomach with his head on my legs. He grasped my hand and waited for the blade to reach his skin.

I looked back at scar who had just begun digging the knife into the boys pale skin. I felt Nux tense up and his grip tighten. I rubbed his bald head and he calmed down a little bit. My...mother would always do this to me to try and calm me down... I guess it really does work on the best of people.

"Aaand done." Scar said standing back from the table. Nux lifted his head up to look at my eyes. "There... Now we're bonded fer' life" he smiled and laid his head back down. This little boy was so different from the others. He was more interested in spending time with Me than sparring with the other war pups, or playing in the pursuit vehicles.

And that was clearly something that needed to be cherished these days. Someone who wasn't just interested in murdering poor innocent people. "Alright love birds, time ta' go, and don't be playin with yer' scars" he said pretending to scold us.

Nux slowly hopped off of the table keeping his head low to the ground in embarrassment. I hopped down and a sudden pain shot through my shoulder. I ignored it and walked away with Nux.

"Thank you for coming with me Nux" I said smiling at him. "Yer welcome..." He said scratching the back of his neck.
We got back to the black thumbs cave and we walked over to the black thumbs cave. Nux turned to me. "Well I should probably go ta' bed" he said still looking at the ground. "Okay" I said simply. He quickly pecked me on the cheep sloppily and ran off to the war pup quarters. Wow. That was new. I stood there with my eyes wide with confusion.

He...kissed me on the cheek... I felt a hot blush rise to my cheeks. But the white clay blocked the red from showing. Thank Valhalla for the invention of clay. A smile creeped up onto my face despite the burning pain in my shoulder.

I laid down on my stomach beside my
Work bench and closed my eyes.i fell asleep that night with a smile on my face.

Bad to the Bone || A Mad Max Fury Road Fan Fiction. *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now