Road warrior

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I looked down at my wrist, I hadn't realized until now but there was a bone poking out at and odd angle. I rested my hand on it and a jolt of white hot pain spread throughout my entire arm.

I opened the pocket on my cargo pants with my good hand and felt a wave of coldness wash over my hand. I pulled out the object. It was the music box my mother had given me me. A small smile creeped up onto my face.

I didn't remember putting it in my pocket but I was glad I did. It was still broken but there none the less. I shoved it back in my pocket and pulled out another piece of fabric from my skirt. I tightly rapped it around my wrist and hand. "I've arranged for safe passage" furiosa said. "I don't know if it's good anymore. Get back in the hole" all of the wives started going through the hole that Nux had come in through.

Furiosa looked at me and blood bag with her eyebrows raised. "I said it'd only be me" she said nodding her head at the hole. "Mm" blood bag nudged a gun into my back. I sighed and slowly hopped over the seat and halfway into the hole before bloodbag grasped my shoulder. "Stay" he mumbled. He slid into the hole beside me and held the gun at furiosa. "What do I call you?" Furiosa looked back at blood bag. He just grumbled in response.

"If things don't work out i may need you to drive the rig. What do I call you?" He said nothing and just continued to look at furiosa.

"Fine. When I yell fool you drive out of here as fast as you can" bloodbag raised his eyebrows at furiosa and I bit my lip to conceal my laughter. Fool suited him more than bloodbag I will admit it. Furiosa pointed out the sequence on the rig so fool could drive out of here but I forgot it as soon as it was said.

She stopped the rig and hopped out. "I like fool more than bloodbag if that makes ya feel any better" I joked. Fool glared at me and I looked away. Not my greatest idea but it was worth it.

"Three thousand gallons of guzzoline just like you asked!" Furiosa shouted. "...we count three war parties!" I heard an unfamiliar voice call. "Let's do this!" I shifted around in my spot and hit my hand against the hard metal wall of the hole. A quiet Yelp of pain left my lips. I tried to hold in the ones that followed but it was to painful a louder one left my lips and fool clasped a hand love fly mouth.

"Fool!!" Within seconds fool was out of the Hole and in the driver seat of the rig. He out in the sequence and the rig roared to life.

I hopped out of the hole. The pain in my hand had numbed but was still very much there. I heard gun shots ring out into the air and I dove back into the hole. I crawled to where the wives were huddled in a circle surrounding a hatch. Furiosa was dangling from the hatch and all of the wives couldn't get her back up. I pushed a girl with short hair out of the way and pulled Furiosa up into the Hatch. Kicking a man who held her leg in the process.

I crawled back to the hole with furiosa and the girls trailing close behind me.
Furiosa opened the sun roof of the rig and stood halfway out of the rig. Bloodbag handed her a gun and more shots rang out from all directions.

All of the wives were huddled in the back. Except for Capable, although I was mad at her that's one thing I'll always admire. The constant need she feels to want to stick out and take risks.

Bloodbag threw a gun at me and gestured his head toward the sun roof. I nodded in response and stood out of the sun roof. Furiosa grabbed a flare gun and shot it at one of the men stunning him so I went in and shot him in the head.

I shot two more approaching men before I ran out of ammo. Who thought it was a good idea to give me three bullets!? I went back inside the rig and furiosa stood back up. A bike crashed down onto the hood of the rig and slid off.

Bloodbag cried out in pain and I looked over at him. His hand was being crushed between the wheel and the door of the car. I pulled on the wheel as much as I could so he could move his hand. One of the wives. I think her name was splendid, opened the door and cut the chain attached to the wheel. Releasing bloodbag but we didn't have a wheel now.

"Angharad!" The low raspy mechanical voice of immortan cried out. I looked. Ahead of us and there was a large rock. Furiosa grabbed a large wrench and attached it to where the wheel used to be. She turned away from the rock as much as she could but we still hit it. And splendid was still outside.

Bad to the Bone || A Mad Max Fury Road Fan Fiction. *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now