My New Name

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I stood in front of the work table and fiddled around with the items on top.

How was I expected to be any use here? I pulled out my note box and turned the leaver. No noise came out though. I looked closely at it and saw nothing wrong from the outside. "Great... How much of a good sign can this be?" I mumbled. I guess I found my first project.

I took a screw driver? I think it was called? From the table and dug it into the welding openings of the box, cracking it open from the sides. I tried to focus on my work but my mind kept wandering back to Capable. What had happened to her? I was snapped back to reality by a sharp sting in my finger.

I looked at it and saw the dark Crimson colour of blood running down my finger.
I turned around and saw that all the war boys were busy. I doubt they would help me anyways. It wasn't to terribly large so I just ignored it and went back to work.

I had no idea what I was doing but I tried. Just as I was getting back to work I heard something bump the table beside me. I looked to my left and saw one of the war boys staring at me. "Axe said ya could fix this" he said holding up an old dirt crusted pistol. "So fix it" he demanded. "Well...I don't exactly-" "fix it" he snarled, throwing the gun into my hands. He turned around and walked to a car, scratching the back of his white neck in the process.

I can't fix a gun... How is a ten year old supposed to fix a gun? (This is in the past btw) I walked away from the work bench to try and find a rag or something to clear some of the dirt and grease off of the gun. I felt a large hand grasp my shoulder and i turned around. The man who brought me to this room
Was staring at me.

"And where do ya think yer' goin?" He said. "I...I was just going to get something..." I stuttered. "If you need somethin here ya' ask for it. Don't go wanderin' off" he said rudely. He pushed me aside and I tripped on my boots. I fell painfully on the ground and held my hand up in front of my face to shield myself event the slightest bit from a punch I knew would come. "Hey! Leave her alone!" I saw a tiny figure appear behind the war boy. The older boy just scoffed and pushed the little one away from him, He clearly did not like this and pulled out a small rusted knife from his belt. The blade was no longer than five inches and wouldn't do much damage but every war pup in the Citedal had one in case of an emergency. The little one ran for the boy and dug the knife into his shoulder, he didn't show much of a reaction other than a small pained scream. None of the other boys did anything about it so he just shuffled away leaving me and the younger boy. "Why would you do That!" I stood up and dusted off my pants. "Well... He was gonna hurt you..." He rubbed the blood off of the knife and onto his pants before tucking it back in his belt. I mumbled a thank you and walked slowly back over to my table, I could hear him following close behind. "What's yer name?" He said leaning against my work table. "Celia." He hummed in response "-ya know, I really don't like your name... Can we change it?" I took a sideways glance at him before shaking my head and turning back to my work. "Oh come on, you don't even like yer name do you?" I was going to just ignore him until he went away but he did have a point... I hated my name. It sounded weak, just by hearing my name you could tell I was from the green place. "Okay, what do you suggest?" He grinned and grabbed my shoulders. "Blade!" He said cheerfully. I actually didn't hate the name... With a name like that I could actually become something here. "I love it."
I walked around to hopefully find somewhere decent to sleep.  I wandered through the nearby tunnels but I found nothing that would work. The war boys were always walking through them.

I walked back to the cave I was working in and sat down beside the work bench. I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my  arm on top of my knee.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my music box. I slowly rotated the lever and let the sweet sounds travel out of the box. I set it down beside me and closed my eyes.

I started to think of my new name, true there wasn't much to think about. After all it was just a name but it made me happy to think about finally blending in a bit around here.

--Nux's PVP--

Haha just kidding you have to wait until the next chapter XD

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