The test pt.2

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'No no no no... Just breathe in and out...' I told myself over and over again inside my head that I'd be fine. But i knew it was probably a lie.

Who knew what these men would do to us? I wish none of this had ever happened... The thought of my home brought tears to my eyes as realization actually hit me. I was never going to see my home again.

I tightened my hand around capable's."Celia I promise you we'll be fine." She said in a reassuring tone. I looked down at my tattered beige cloths I had used as clothes. Now crusted in dirt and lightly damp with sweat.

I looked down at the little pocket on the side and saw my toy peaking out. It still gave me hope. Maybe Capable was right. "Okay capable. I trust you" I said. I could hear the boys dragging murmuring about us behind me. "Why'd immortan want these ones?" One of them said his voice dry. "Dunno' the other one said simply. I wonder if immortan was the man who came to the vault to get us.

We were brought down another long series of corridors before coming into a large open room with a large pool of water in the middle of it. At the front there was a large open wall in the side of the mountain. Letting in the bright sunlight.

In front of the window the man who I guess was 'immortan' standing, staring at us. He motioned his head for the boys to bring us in.

We were now up close, face to face with him. The boy beside me dropped the other girl to the floor. The girl with no arm. "What are your names" his mechanical voice questioned. Neither of us were quick to answer.

"What are your names?!" He said in a louder tone than before. His voice sent more shivers down my spine. "Celia" I quietly mumbled. "I'm Capable" she said confidently. He motioned his head to where the girl was laying on the floor. "And this one?" He said questionably. "Furiosa" one of the boys said. The name Suited her. She looked quite a few years older than me and Capable. I believe I have seen her before wandering the green place but she looked completely different there.

Two arms, eyes full of life. Immortan gestured to the two of us. Me and Furiosa. "Bring those two to the black thumb cave. Then he pointed at Capable. "Bring that one back to the vault" he said demandingly. My eyes widened and my grip on capable's hand tightened.

No. I won't leave her. I'll fight till my last breath. I thought. But I was ripped from my thoughts by someone yanking me away from capable. "NO!! PLEASE NO!!" I screamed at them. I heard capable's distant shouting grow quieter and quieter by each passing second.

I may not have known her for long but I cared for her. And now to be ripped away from her again. It felt like I had been stabbed in the stomach. I had lost so much already. I couldn't lose capable. I pulled against the boys grasp but he pulled me along the corridors with ease. I was brought to a large open room filled with rusted and very strange cars. There were a bunch of the boys walking around with the painted skin and cargo pants.

I was brought over to a little room filled with the odd pair of cargo pants, combat boots, and some other stuff I knew nothing about.

"Change" the man said in a gruff voice "but why?" I said my eyebrows knitted together. "CHANGE" he said demandingly he shut the door and locked it behind him.

I hesitantly pulled of my beige skirt and looked for a pair of pants. I picked ones that were snug to my body so they weren't flowing out. I grabbed a light grey muscle shirt and slipped it over my body. It only reached just below my belly button but I didn't care.

I looked through the scarce amount of combat boots. The only ones I found were one size to big. But they fit well enough. I looked at my small skirt laying on the floor. I reached into the pockets and pulled out my toy. Stuffing it, and my skirt in the large pockets.

I knocked on the door slowly. Waiting for the man to open it. After about a minute he did, he grabbed my arm again and pulled me back into the cave.

Bad to the Bone || A Mad Max Fury Road Fan Fiction. *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now