Going back.

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It was like the earth had been dipped in blood. Everything was coated in a dark crimson. The metallic scent filled my nose as I looked around. There was nothing. No rig, no bloodbag, no Capable. No Nux. Gun shots were being fired everywhere around me but there was no one shooting me. I felt the bullets rip through my body.

The pain was unbearable. But when I looked down there was nothing. No wounds or blood. Voices were racing through my head. Splendid, my mother. And so many more of the lost wives. I couldn't comprehend what was happening.

I collapsed to my knees in the blood coated sand I let out a blood curdling scream and covered my ears to stifle the ever changing voices.

"Blade! Blade wake up!" I jolted awake and sat up from my on the sand. A cold sweat covers my body. "You were screamin' n thrashing' around in yer sleep" Nux said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Are ya okay?" I only nodded and tried to catch my breath. "What were ya dreamin' bout?" Nux said in a comforting tone.

"I...I dunno.." I shook my head and closed my eyes. "I could hear voices...n gunshots" he furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Nux...it felt so real..." I wiped my hands over my face to get rid of the sweat that had gathered up over my forehead. "Well it wasn't" Nux shifted In his spot so he was beside me again. "Like I said. We'll be fine"

I nodded and closed my eyes. Why am I know getting night terrors? Why didn't I get them when my mother was murdered? Or when I was taken as a slave by the Citedal? "Blade! Nux!" The familiar voice of furiosa snapped me from my thoughts. "Come on! We're heading out!" Me and Nux looked at each other before standing up from our spot on the sand by the tower. 'How did we end up down here?' Instead of asking out loud I just followed Nux to the two motor bikes saved for us.

I climbed on one and Nux climbed on the other. "Could I ride with one of you?" I looked behind me and saw capable staring at us with a look of pure curiosity etched on her face. "Better off Ridin' with him" I gestured my hand towards Nux. "Got more experience than me" she nodded and hopped onto the motorbike right behind Nux, wrapping her arms around his torso.

"Alright. Let's move out" furiosa said with a hint of sadness in her voice. I rested my hands on the bike and looked down at my injured one. Over the past few days it had healed pretty well considering my horribly made excuse for a cast. I took off the thing piece of fabric and stuck it back in my pocket.

I revved up the engine on my bike and sped off with everyone else. We still had no idea where we were going but anywhere was better than just sitting here waiting for immortan to get us.

I felt in control again. The wind whopping through my hair, the small flecks of sand flying up and hitting my bare face. To say it felt amazing would be an understatement.

A howl of joy escaped my lips making Nux and capable stare at me, but I didn't care. Riding in the rig was different from this. I wasn't the one driving. But this was nothing short of perfection. "Blade! Would you keep it down!?" Furiosa startled me with her loud booming voice.

I stopped yelling and closed my mouth, focusing on the collective rumbles of motorbike engines and the sandy terrain in front of me. But there was another sound further away. 'immortan! He found us and now hes gonna take us back and kill us all!' I pushed all of my thoughts to the back of my mind and looked behind me. A wave of relief ran through my body. it was just Bloodbag, I hadn't even realized he wasn't with us.

he sped up in front of Furiosa and stopped his bike. we all followed suit and stopped before we crashed into one another. He hopped off his bike and spoke to Furiosa. "I have a plan" he spoke in a rather loud tone. Loudest I've ever heard him speak.

Everyone just stared at him waiting for him to continue. He seemed to understand what we were doing and began talking. "We go back. We go back to the Citedal" I raised my eyebrows and my eyes widened.

"What's he say?"
"He wants to go back the way they came"

"The Citedal. It's green and it got loads of water." Toast said looking back at the women from the green place. "How does he get water?" One of the women ask "he pumps it deep from the ground. Calls it Aqua-cola." Everyones full attention was on toast. "And because he owns that, he owns all of us" we all exchanged looks with each other before anymore words were passed.

"I already don't like him" the Dag cut in before anyone else could speak. "The citedals got everything. As long as your not afraid of heights" she raised her eyebrows and nodded. "So we charge right back through the pass and we ditch the rig" some of the women laughed. "Kaboom" she made exploding gestures with her hands. "Once we get in the Citedal will be easy to take." Toast nodded in agreement with herself. "All that's left there is the wretched, war pups and war boys to sick to fight."

"We'll have Nux and blade with us to. Their gonna bring back what was lost as they're meant to." Capable said. I was kind of shocked by what she said but Nux didn't seem fazed at all. "Yeah, feels like hope." He looked over at me, raised his eyebrows and smiled at me.

I nodded and smiled back at everyone. "Let's do it." bloodbag grinned slightly and nodded. "It's settled. We're going back to the Citedal."

Bad to the Bone || A Mad Max Fury Road Fan Fiction. *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now