The slits

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(She's still a child right now)

I woke up with the same dull pain in my shoulder I had fallen asleep with. I groaned and sat up slowly. I stretched and stood up. I walked to my work bench and looked at the steering wheel. Me and Nux had welded it back together and now I got to customize it.

"Blaaaade!!" I heard Nux shout from behind me. I turned around and he had someone else with him to. A boy the same age as us. I wonder if he remembers what happened yesterday. "Blade this is my friend slit!" He said gesturing to his friend.

"Hi slit" I said waving at him. "Nux talks bout ya all the time... It gets really annoying" he fake pouted. Nux laughed nervously. "So, Blade" Nux started. "Axe said he'd take us out drivin'!" Nux said excitedly. My smile faded at hearing his name I may have not seen him in a while but I still hated axe a lot. He's the reason Nux calls me blade.

Not that I don't enjoy the name but still. He must've seen my expression. "Blade? What's wrong?" He said his eyebrows knit together. "Axe and me have a... Complicates relationship" I said looking between Nux and slit. "Oh...well if ya don't wanna go blade then I'm not gonna go"

Slit looked disappointed. "Awwwww!" He whined. "Well if neither of ya are goin' then I'm not!" He stood proudly with his chin up. "Nux turn around I wanna see what yer scar looks like" I said making a spinning motion with my
Fingers. Nux did as told and faces his back towards me. It didn't look infected. "Okay, ur' good" he turned back around. "Okay now you gotta let me see urs!" I turned around and let him see the scar on my
Shoulder blade. He tapped it with his finger and I flinched. "Sorry..." He said quietly. "Okay looks good ta' me!" He said as I turned around. Slit laughed. "Why do ya both have matchin scars?" He questioned. "Because now we're bonded for life!" Nux said flashing slit a toothy grin. I smiled at them
Both. I finally have friends. Without a moments hesitation I pulled them both into a hug.

When I pulled away I looked at Nux. Even through the white clay I could see pink peeking through. I had to bite my lip to conceal my laughter, seeing him like that was pretty funny.

"Hey I was wonderin' if I could get yer advice on somethin" slit looked at us.
"I was gonna get from 'ere ta 'ere" he said marking up from the from the corners of his mouth. "Yaaahh!!" Nux screamed. I was a little bit hesitant with my answer though... It would hurt a lot... But whatever floats his boat.

"Yah! Sounds really...shine!" I said picking out my words carefully. Slit and Nux both took of to the organic mechanic cave with me hot on their trails.

"Nuuuux!!" I screamed. "You always beat me there!" It was a lie and I knew it but it distracted him. So yay for that. "I do not!" He slowed his pace. "Ya beat me last time!" I smiled and quickened my pace even more. "Just like imma beat ya this time!" I sped in front of both of them and entered the organic mechanics cave. "Ha! I win!" I said raising my hands in the air.

"Yer a cheater, Blade" Nux and slit both pouted. "Ah, look who's back. Nux, slit and...? Blade! Right?" Scar said staring down at us. I nodded and he walked us back over to the table.

"Whatcha gettin today?" He said smiling at us. "Nux, blade lemme guess, Nux ya want blades name on yer arm?" You could see Nux blushing again. I giggled and turned to look at scar. "No, scar this ones fer slit!" I said pointing at him. "Yeah I want slits though not a scar. He made the gesture with his fingers again and scar slowly nodded. "Hop up ere" he patted the rusted metal table.

I held out my hand to him and he grabbed it. "Slit ya can't move at all, okay?" Slit nodded and clenched his eyes closed. Nux was standing right beside me staring intently at his friend.

I felt the grip on my hand tighten, he had started cutting.
I looked up at slits eyes and I could see the tears threatening to fall. I looked down at his mouth and saw all the blood falling. I felt vomit rise in my throat and I swallowed it. Leaving a sour bitter taste in my mouth.

I looked at Nux who had his gaze glued to the ground. I followed suit and grabbed his hand with my free one. He was surprised at first but then squeezed it tightly. "There ya go" scar said. I looked back at scar who had these strange clip things on his cheek. "And no talkin'" scar scolded. Slit hopped off of the table trying to keep silent.

I let go of Nux's hand and we all walked back to the black thumbs cave. "Well, I think that slit wants ta show of his new scar so we'll be back soon" Nux said turning around. Slit turned around
To and they started to walk

"Oh and slit!" He turned around to face me. "Your slits look very shine" I smiled and I could see him trying to hold back a smile. He turned back around and him and Nux jogged out of the room.

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