The scars

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"Sooo... Blade!" Nux said excitedly "what do you think of scars?" A look of confusion crossed my face. "Scars?"  I said. There was still a small hint of sadness in my voice but after he said that my expression was mostly full of humour.

"Yeah! Scars! Ya see I was thinkin' about gettin em' across my lips, what do ya think?" He said, his eyes wide with excitement. "Well... If it's what you want then... I suppose you should go for it" I said shrugging my shoulders. "Cool! Will ya come with me to get em??" He said his eyes still wide with excitement. I shrugged again. "I guess so" I simply said. "Well I guess I should let ya get some sleep" he said his voice finally settling down. "Oh and one more thing Blade." He was hesitant to ask whatever it was he wanted to ask. I could tell.

"Why are ya here?" I looked down
At my lap. "Um, Nux I think I'd... I'd rather not answer that right now.
Maybe tomorrow okay?" I said, the sadness returning to my voice.

"Yeah okay!" Nux said excitedly and walked away. Probably back to his bed...

I Laid my head back down on the floor and waited for sleep to come. I was a lot happier than I was earlier today. I was still really scared, Angry, sad. But I wouldn't let that bring me down.

I closed my eyes. And fell asleep.

--three hours later--

I woke up to the sound of metal on metal. The boys were up. I opened my sleep crusted eyes and stretched, my back cracked from sleeping on the rough stone ground. I stood up and stretched hearing my bones crack deliciously.

I looked towards the entrance of the black thumbs cave and saw Nux running towards me at full speed. "Ya ready, Blade??!" Nux said in an extremely excited tone. "I guess so, Nux. Show me the way" he grabbed my wrist gently and dragged me away through the corridors.

We ended up and another large enclosed cavern. This one had war boys slumped against the wall with people hanging upside down. They were draining blood from the people to put them into the war boys... That's sick.

A man came up and greeted us with a toothy grin. "Hey, Nux! Make up your mind yet? Ya gonna get a scar?" He said, patting Nux's bald head. "Yup! Right across my lips! Blade helped me decide!" He said nodding his head in my direction.

The man scanned my body up and down. Probably surprised to see a girl. "Hey Nux is she one a' the wives?" The man said quietly to Nux. So that's what immortan wanted... Wives... "No, scar. Just a worker in the black thumbs cave!" He said trying to cheer me up. He patted me roughly on the back and guided me further into the cavern with scar right ahead of us.

"So Nux, whatcha gettin'?" He said smiling at the young war boy. "I want them goin' across my lips" he said making motions on his lips. "And yer' little friend over there's gonna watch?" He said raining and eyebrow at me. "yup! I am!" I said as cheerfully as I could. "Alright then. Take a seat right up hear, Nux"

Nux jumped up onto an old battered metal table with his lips together. "Blade... Will ya hold my hand..? Just so... Ya know if it hurts then I can-" I cut him of. "Yes Nux, you can" he grabbed my hand and I squeezed his reassuringly, I smiled at him. "Okay Nux, ya ready?" Scar said, holding up a little knife in his hands. Nux slowly, hesitantly nodded his head.

Scar brought the knife up to his lips and Started cutting. I looked away as soon as the blood starting falling. Nux grip tightened on my hand and his eyes were wide with shock.

I don't understand why someone would want this. But whatever. It's their culture. "Done" blade said. Standing back to admire his work on Nux's tattered bleeding lips.

"Hey, Blade how shine does it look" Nux said. trying his hardest not to move his lips. "Uh... Nux I don't know
What that means... But yeah it looks very...shine" I said smiling and nodding my head.

"Alright, Nux get outta here" he said patting Nux on he back. He hopped off of the table and walked alongside me
Out of the cavern.

"Thanks for comin' with me blade" he said, his eyes shining with a smile

"Your welcome Nux" I said as we walked back to the black thumbs cave.

Bad to the Bone || A Mad Max Fury Road Fan Fiction. *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now