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I watched as the figure slowly walked closer and closer to the rig. I wrapped my hand around the grips on my dagger in case they were looking for a fight.

Furiosa had also raised her gun to the person. The fog started to clear a bit and bloodbag emerged from the thick grey fog blanketing the land. I dropped my hand down away from my knife and sighed walking off towards capable and Nux. "What is this?" Bloodbag mumbled pointing a bucket hanging underneath the rig.

"It's mothers milk" the Dag replies softly. I scrunched up my nose as he splashed his face with the off-white liquid. "Are you hurt?" Toast asked in a concerned tone. Bloodbag looked up and mumbled something in response. "You're bleeding" she stated gently.

"It's not his blood" furiosa looked over at Toast. He looked up and tossed a boot at Nux. Nux grinned lightly and nodded in bloodbags direction. He tossed me a steering wheel with a skeleton in the middle. I smiled down at it. "Thanks" I said. Bloodbag once again only nodded in response and passed a large bag of ammo and tools at furiosa.

I yawned and slowly headed back towards the rig, Nux and capable trailing behind me. I hopped up through the opening where splendid had fallen to her death. I could have saved her. I could have helped her. If I had actually done something she would still be alive. "Hey" Nux patted my back, ripping me from my horrible thoughts.

I climbed into the backseat of the rig with Nux beside me. The other wives and capable climbed in through the other side. Nux put his foot up on the back of the drivers seat to stop himself from falling out of the rig if he fell asleep. I leaned my head against his shoulder and sighed, closing my eyes.

He put his arm over the seat so I was leaning against him more than his arm.
I yawned again. "Nux, do ya thing we'll make it?" He looked down at me and furrowed his eyebrows. "What do ya mean?" I shifted around in my spot so I could look up at him. "We're bein' chased by immortan, bullet farm and gas town. How are we gonna make it out a this alive" he looked ahead of him and swallowed. "I dunno. Hope"

I yawned a third time and he laughed at me. "Blade go ta sleep" I shook my head. "No. What if somethin happens while I am?" He leaned his head against the seat and closed his eyes. "Fine. Don't sleep then"

--3 hour time skip--

The rest of the night everyone just stayed silent. No one had anything to say. I enjoyed the silence for once. We finally had time to gather ourselves and count the events that had happened over the last few days.

Now the sun was fully up, still everyone was doing there own thing. The wives were sleeping, so was bloodbag.  Me and Nux were just sitting there soaking up all of the silence. And furiosa was only focused on one thing. Getting to the green place.

Bloodbag shot up from his place with his fist raised. I was startled but I didn't move. It was more of a mental thing. "It's fine. Go back to sleep" furiosa Kept her eyes glue on the dirt road ahead of her.

"Have you done this before?" bloodbag asked with his body facing his window. Furiosa nodded. "Why?" Furiosa looked over at him and then back at the dirt road. "Now that I drive the war rig, it's the best chance I've ever got." Bloodbag nodded. "What about them?" He gestured his head at the wives. "They're looking for hope. Something to hold onto. As for me? I'm looking for redemption. I felt a light tingling feeling on my arm and I moved around uncomfortably. I felt two cold fingers against my bare arms and I shivered.

I felt the tingling feeling leave my arm and I looked up to see Nux examining a small bug on his fingers. He quickly brought it up to his lips and ate it. I looked away and scrunched my nose up. I guess you have to do whatever you can to get food around here.

The rig came to a grinding halt making all of the wives wake up and look around in confusion. Furiosa stood up out of the sun roof of the rig and scanned her surroundings with a pair of binoculars.

"What's that over there?" Toast said leaning out of the

I leaned over the other wives and she was right. There was a tall metal tower in the middle of the desert with a screaming woman on top. "Uh, uh" bloodbag shook his head and pointed at the tower. "That's bait" furiosa just shook her head and smiled lightly. "I remember something like that" she opened the door of the rig. "Wait here."

I was about to hop out of the rig but I sat back down. I was from the green place to, why couldn't I come out? "I am from the green place of many mothers!" Furiosa started. "I am one of the vuvalini! My clan was swaddle-dog! My initiate mother was Mary Jobasa!"

Wow. It had been so since I had heard any of those words, I barely knew what half of them meant. Some women on motorbikes that emerged from the large sand dunes.
The girl from on top of the tower slid down a rope and threw on a green coverup to hide her bare body.

Furiosa used her robotic hand and quickly gestured for us to come out of the rig. I ran as quickly as I could to her side so I could see some of the people from my childhood. The girl from on top of the tower came towards her and gave her the same greeting furiosa with the saw greeting furiosa had given me.

She pulled away from furiosa and looked over at me. "You...you're Karins child..." (Kar-In not Karen) I slowly nodded and stared at her with an expressionless face. I didn't remember this woman but she remembered me. My mother must have known her in some way.

But then again everyone in the green place knew each other. She gave me the greeting of the green place and pulled away. She quickly pulled both my and furiosa into a tight hug. "Furiosa... How long has it been...?" The small smile left furiosa's face. "Seven thousand days, plus the ones I don't remember." One of the women stares at her grimly.

"And your mother?" She looked at the ground. "She died, in the first few days" looks of confusion crossed all of the girls faces when they looked past us. I looked behind me and the wives were slowly approaching. The girls walked past us and over to the wives.

"Where did you find such creatures?" One of them asked. "East. We came from the Citedal" I said pushing my messy hair out of my face. "And the men? Who are they?" Furiosa nodded her head towards Nux and bloodbag. "Don't worry. They're reliable, they helped us get here"

Furiosa looked back at the wives. "I can't wait for them to see it" furiosa smiled. "See what?" My heart dropped and I felt the breath hitch in my throat. "Home..." I croaked out.

Bad to the Bone || A Mad Max Fury Road Fan Fiction. *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now