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Me, the wives, bloodbag, furiosa and Nux were all piled in the rig while most of the mothers were riding on bikes or in the lancers perch. we're all useless in here, what does Furiosa have planned? does she think we're not gonna have to fight to take down the Citedal? If that be the case then we're all screwed.                                                                                                                                                          Furiosa kicked the rig into gear and started speeding off towards the pass. I crawled into the front of the rig and stood up to look out of the opened roof. Capable handed me a pair of binoculars so I could look around.
In the distance I saw a bunch of immortans boys scrambling to get into their cars.

They saw us. and now they were coming after us. "Furiosa, they're comin'." I hopped back down into the rig and sat in the back with the wives and Nux. I sighed and sat back. Furiosa revved up the engine and the rig jolted forward. "Blade go back up!" Furiosa shouted. I nodded and stood back up out of the top of the rig looking around.

I looked behind me just in time to see a polecat reaching down to grab me. I grabbed my knife from its holster and stabbed his head making his blood splatter over my face and hair. My jaw dropped and my hand released the knife. It fell into the rig and landed beside furiosa. I slid back into the rig and sat in the seat beside furiosa. "I...killed someone..." She looked over at me. "Get used to it." She said coldly. She gestured her head at the roof and I slowly nodded once more.

Now all I wanted to do was cower in the back and wait for all of this to be over. But no matter how much I hated to admit it Furiosa was right. I had to get used to it, I was going to kill so many more people within a span of one day. There was no stopping that.

Is raised my knife ready to stab the next person who dared to come over to the rig but no one was around where I was. There were cars but no one was attacking yet. "Don't blow my engine!" Furiosa shouted. "Gonna nudge em, just a little!" Nux's scratchy voice replied. I pulled myself from the top of the rig and slid onto the hood of it with Nux, using the engine to balance myself.

Nux started sucking guzzoline from a can and spitting it into the engine. "Nux! ya shouldn't do that! yer breathin's bad nough already!" he just continued to do it over and over again. "You traitors! You filth!" I looked to my right and saw slit laying on the hood of an old, rusted pursuit vehicle. Nux wasn't effected at all by what he said. He just continued to suck up the guzzoline and spit it into the motor.

I crawled over to Nux so I could hear his breathing. He had started to wheeze and his body shuddered every time he blew the guzzoline into the motor.

He collapsed into a fit of coughs. I was about to reach over and push him back into the rig but bloodbag beat me to it. He rushed out and pushed Nux inside. Before getting to work he looked up at me and grinned slightly. I grinned back and hopped back into the rig. Nux was in the back still wheezing and struggling to catch his ragged breath.

Capable was beside him rubbing his back and using her angelic voice to calm him down. Once she caught me looking a reassuring smile spread across her face. I returned it and turned around to look at the passing terrain in front of me. "Blade they could probably use you down back." Furiosa said keeping her eyes Locked on the road.

I nodded and opened the passenger side door. I slowly slid out avoiding the bullets whizzing past my head. They were all coming from slits car. How could he? I've known him since I was ten, and now he was willing to throw it all away to please Immortan. I quickly climbed up the ladder and shielded   myself from the raining bullets.

I quickly walked over towards the lancers perch with my back arched so that if I were to get hit by a bullet, chances are it wouldn't hit my head and kill me immediately.
I hopped into the lancers perch only to be pulled back. The back off my head slammed into the cold metal of the rig multiple times. Whoever this was grabbed my matted blonde hair and continuously slammed my head into the metal.

Bad to the Bone || A Mad Max Fury Road Fan Fiction. *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now