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{Isabelle's POV}

I was falling.
Falling into a bottomless black void that seemed to go on forever.
There was no end.
I closed my eyes and prepared for the inevitable...

Until I opened my eyes to see that my feet were firmly planted on the ground.

What was I doing just now? That girl was in my room, and now I'm not in my room. Weird...

I observed my surroundings. I was in an unfamiliar room. The room was messy, and there was a crying boy in the corner. I walked over to ask him what was wrong...

But I walked through him.

"What's going on? Am I even alive right now?" I said to myself. The boy didn't react. I had no clue as to what was going on.

The boy was weirdly familiar. He was the one from the turf war a couple of days ago- the boy with the Range Blaster. He was staring intently at a book. The cover read, Poetry. It was hard to read since it was burnt and covered with dust and soot. The boy then quietly said something to himself.

"I want my family back."

And before I knew it, I was falling again.

When I opened my eyes, I immediately recognized the place that I was in. This was Max's apartment. I saw Max laying face first on his bed, his usually dark face flushing bright red.

"Stupid, stupid, STUPID! How could you freeze up like that?! It was the perfect time to tell her how you feel! I'm such an IDIOT!" He shouted.

What in the world was he blabbering about?

And then, Max's apartment twisted and contorted into Ellie's apartment. Ellie was curled up in the corner, blushing and squeezing the living daylights out of one of her many plush dolls.

"Ellie, calm down. You like him, and he may or may not like you. He most likely does, considering what he said earlier... Gaaah, I'm so confused!" She cried.

I smiled to myself. "So Ellie and Max do have feelings for each other. How cute."

I closed my eyes and prepared to fall again.

Little did I know... What I saw would change my life forever.

Technically, it wouldn't change me. It would change someone else...

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